
Dakota was unconcious for a few more hours before her eyelids fluttered slightly. She worked at fully opening them and squeezing Elijah's hand. She felt so weak...
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Elijah became hopeful when he felt her hand twitch. "Take it easy, Love. I'll be here when you wake" he says rubbing her hand

Dakota eventually fully opened her eyes, looking at Elijah. "Eli...." She said quietly, barely a breath
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Elijah sit up quickly. "Let me go get the doctor" he says pushing the button. "Do you want water?" he asks, worrying about her still

A nurse hurried into the room. "Yes?" She chirped. ~ Dakota shook her head at his offer, her eyelids flutteringshut again
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"She woke up for a few seconds. Is that a good sign?" He asks hopeful

The nurse nodded. "We also don't want her to be off and on too much or else she might become so tired that......" The nurse's voice trailed off and she looked dow at the floor. Without another word, she turned and left. ~ Dakota's breathing was steady and she was trying to stay awake
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Elijah thanks the nurse. He strokes Dakota's hair gently. "Rest love, don't over exhort yourself"

Dakota tried to speak, but it came out as more of a whimper
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Elijah kisses her head. "Ethan is being well taken care of, don't worry" he says.