
Azai smirked "he's a good guy retired army doc really nice" he turned on Warren G regulators (just heard this song yesterday gotta say it's good)
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(It is, I've heard it before) +++ "Good guy. Really nice. Okay." She sounded drily sarcastic as she placed a hand over her stomach with a wince. Blood was starting to leak through again- she must've ripped out her stitches already.
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Azai sighed "stop hurting yourself" he said as he got out of the car and started walking towards the house.
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"I don't attempt to hurt myself. It happens on its own." She muttered defensively, getting out of the car and following him, one hand still held over her wound, though blood had started leaking between her fingers. Technically, the wound was his fault, so he shouldn't be complaining.
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Azai sighed. He was starting to geta little annoyed with Quinn. But he also liked her fiesty spirit so he wasn't going to complain. "what's up doc? think you can fix this one up?" Azai said nodding towards quinn "you know I can it'll take me maybe 15-20 minutes then you'll be on your way" Azai nodded and walked into the house sitting in the living room he looked at quinn "i'll be right here if you need anything for any reason"
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Quinn stayed silent as they spoke, then, attempting not to look as annoyed as he felt, walked after the other man, offering Azai a curt nod to show that she heard him/
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Azai sat in the living room scrolling through his phone. 20 minutes passed unevntfully. He was starting to get bored when he heard a door open. "good as new" his friend told him coming out of his surgical room with Quinn behind him.
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That experience had not been fun for Quinn and she prayed NEVER to do it again... but she was alive, and that's all that really mattered. "I'm not quite sure that covers it, but yeah." She mumbled under her breath, to herself, mostly, stepping off to the side with a slight wince. Now they had to go do the rest of their plan. yay...
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Azai stood up "alright let's go." he walked to his car hoping Quinn would follow. He slipped into the driver's seat and turned on shwn mendes why,why,why while he waited for quinn to get settled in her seat.
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Quinn strode out after him and got into the vehicle, staying silent as she pondered about the time ahead. One of their targets down... the most important one. She was glad it was so easy... ish.
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