"hmm... I'll let you make a rough guess, though you probaly wont be right!" she teased. her brown eyes twinkled as she snuggled up against him.
"Uh huh." Lion grunted, stretching his neck and flipping his mane. It was too hot for his liking... "I'm going for a swim." He murmured, starting to walk towards the lake in the middle of the valley.
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she walked off and looked around cheaking out his amazing terriory.
Lion walked into the water till it was up to his stomach, sighing happily. This was almost his dream... spending his days alone with Pride on his very own big territory... swimming in the lake every day... doing whatever Pride wanted... yeah no that would be a bad idea. He snorted, slightly amused at the thought and splashed water onto his baking back
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she snorted as she found a patch of rich grass and, OH MY GOSH, clovers! clovers were always her favorite food. they were sweet, and she always found them lucky.
just like dragon... (oh and you know the group roleplay you were doing in scene 2? we may have created another that may have merged into yours.. you are free to come and join)
(Okay, sounds great!) - Lion heard Pride snort, so he trotted over. "Clovers!" Even though he didn't really show emotion.. his voice was tinted with happiness. He ate one, munching thoughtfully. "Delicious delicacy." He murmured, his eyes closing
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"mine!" she playfully scuffed.
"You'll have to fight for it." Lion snorted, taking another bite and looking at her, his eyes twinkling
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"then so be it!" she playfully bit his ear and ran off a bit teasing the stallion.