
After a couple hours of hustle and bustle, Dakota was asleep on a hospital bed. Her monitors beeped every now and then, indicating she was alive but not doing too well
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Elijah walked into the hospital room, leaving Ethan with a trusted relative. He trembled, reaching his hand out to hold her hand.

Dakota didn't stir. There were no thoughts, no feeling, her heartbeat faltering every now and then. A nurse walked in, eyeing Elijah curiously. "Husband, I assume?" She asked politely, giving him a fake smile
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Elijah nods, "How is she?" he asks concerned,

The nurse hesitated. "She's been unresponsive for the last few hours.....The doctors are trying to figure out what's wrong, but nothing life-threatening like this is in her records..... Was she ever attacked by someone or some animal?"
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Elijah shook his head, "not that I know of, no" he tells her, starting to grow even more worried then he already was

The nurse nodded thoughtfully, walking over and placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "She'll be alright." She said softly, turning and gesturing to the call button. "Press that if you need someone's help." She instructed before leaving
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Elijah nods, "thank you so much" he says giving the nurse a thankful nod

The nurse left and the room was silent other than Dakota's uneven breathing and the occasional beep from the monitors
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Elijah sits down, gently stroking her hand. "Please be okay" he whispers, kissing her hand gently