
Sage just smiled up at her, careful not to move his head too much. He really did love her...more than he could ever express in words. It was times like this, where they both helped each other out when they needed it, without needing to be asked or anything, when their love for each other seemed so clear. He knew she loved him all the time of course..but times like this it just seemed special somehow.
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Celeste smiled, finishing shaving his face before wiping the extra shaving cream away and kissing him. "There you go, nice and smooth," she mused, gently patting his cheek.

Sage chuckled softly in response to her comment, kissing her back with a happy hum. "It does feel better," he mused lightly, offering her a thanks. "I guess I just didn't get time to do it before," he added with a sort of shrug.
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Celeste smiled. "Its okay, I don't mind doing it for you,"

Sage gave her a grin and a nod. "I know," he hummed, then giving her a more mischievous grin. "I'll pay you back later, once were both not broken," he added with a sort of giggle. He could tell she was fertile ...but nothing would happen with both of them out of commission at the moment.
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Celeste smiled. "I'll remember to remind you," she snickered. "Do you think you'll heal before it's over?"

Sage just gave her a grin."I only need a couple days," he noted. "You're good for a while, so I'd imagine it would be fine," he added lightly.
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Sage chuckled softly, staying in the tub a while longer before it started to get cold. Once that happened, he handed Atticus back off to Celeste and moved to haul himself up and out of the tub to dry off and get dressed in something comfortable
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Celeste took Atticus back and helped Sage out of the tub as best she could while holding the baby. She handed him a towel before grabbing a fresh set of pajamas for him.