
"I love you too" She said, pressing a light kiss to his cheek and going to get dressed
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Elijah goes to check on Ethan

Dakota came out of the bathroom and stumbled, her vision darkening. "What the hell?" She muttered, her hearing slowly making her deaf and she was unable to feel, all her senses lessening until she felt quite alone and blind-helpless even. She called to Elijah the best she could, dropping to the floor.
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Elijah ran over, hearing her call and the thud. He picked her up, hands trembling. "Dakota?! Dakota baby?" he asks pulling his phone out to call emergancy

Dakota couldn't hear or feel anything, she couldn't even speak. She was terrified, wanting to just be normal again, but she couldn't no matter how hard she tried
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Elijah held her till the paramedics came. He held her hand as they rushed

Even the medics had concerned faces, loading Dakota and trying to reassure Elijah. "Sir, we'll make sure she's okay." One woman said to him, checking Dakota's vitals she had hooked up
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Elijah took deep breaths, but continued to pace

"Has this happened before?" The medic asked, calling for a gurney
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