
Sage had moved to get to when Celeste could grab him quickly enough, knowing Atticus would just want his mom. He made it to the bathroom and then grunted. "Go get Att," he hummed softly. "I can get in the tub myself," he added. It would be hard, yes, but he felt terrible with att screaming like that, and he'd rather him be uncomfortable than his baby.
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Celeste nodded and darted back to the living room where the babies where, scooping up Att. "Hey, hey, easy hun... I've got you, youre okay..."

Sage watched Celeste go and chuckled to himself, working at getting undressed. When he heard att stop crying, he paused with a smile, then finished tugging his clothes off and climbing into the now very full tub stifly. He sat down rather hard in the water, but he'd made it, and it felt wonderful. So, he sort of just sunk in with a breath of relief and let his eyes drift shut.
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Celeste comforted Att until he stopped crying. She held her baby close while putting Lizzie, June and Xavier to bed. She held Att as he slept, going up to the bathroom and smiled. "Hey, handsome," she hummed, sitting on the floor, holding Atticus. "Feeling any better?"

Sage stayed there with his eyes closed until he heard Celeste come in, chuckling softly and he glanced over at her with a sort of smile. "Bit better," he hummed, smile growing slightly when he noticed att happily clutching her. "The warm water might help him too," he suggested lightly. He was willing to hold him or whatever, if she wanted him to.
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Celeste nodded, then moved to change Att into a waterproof diaper before handing him over to Sage. He began to whimper as soon as he left Celestes arms, but quieted down again when he realized he was with his dad.

Sage watched her move att around and then moved to take him and settle him down on his chest. "Hey little guy," he hummed softly as the baby quieted down on his chest. "Feel better," he added, watching the boys eyes start to drift closed after a while.
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Celeste smiled, "is the warm water doing any good?"

Sage chuckled softly and nodded. "It usually does help with being sore," he noted, cradling att carefully as he slipped off to sleep on his chest, keeping him safe but his body submerged in the warmth. "It sucks getting in and out but I figure it's pretty well worth it," he added with a chuckle.
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Celeste smiled and repositioned herself to sit behind him and the tub. She gently brushed out his hair, making sure not to pull hard. She massaged out his scalp with her nails.