
Sage shifted slightly so he could face Celeste and the babies wincing slightly as he moved. "Alright," he noted quietly, voice raspy from yelling so much the night before. "How's he," he noted softly, eyes falling on the baby she held.
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Celeste smiled softly at Sage, then at Att. "Weak, but getting better," she noted. Celeste had to hold his head up just so he could nurse, and even then Att was barely able to suckle. It was really sad to see.

Sage nodded with a sort of heavy breath. "I was hoping none of them would have to deal with this," he murmured tiredly. The other two were fine though, at least....one out of four was better then all four morphing, he supposed.
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"Me too," she sighed. Celeste slowly got up, keeping her upper half completely still as she went over to Sage and sat down, making sure not to disturb Att's nursing.

Sage nodded, shifting to lean his head against her as she came over with a tired sigh. "Everyone else is ok?" When she nodded, he let out a relieved breath and relaxed slightly. "When he's done we can head back to the house then," he hummed lightly. He could use a nice warm bath.
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Celeste nodded. "Yeah, they all woke up a few hours ago, hungry so they're all fed,"

Sage nodded and smiled. "Good," he noted lightly. "Once he's all good you can settle them on the cart and then come back for me," he added with a sort of chuckle. "I'll take the longest," he added, wrinkling his nose slightly
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Celeste nodded. "Okay," she replied. "Oh, Att's been really clingy, is that normal? Like he'll cry if I'm not holding him,"

Sage shrugged in response to her comment. "He's probably sore," he noted simply. "He wants his mom when he's not feeling great," he added. That would make sense ...it was the same if he was just sick or something.
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Celeste nodded, "that makes sense,"