Void Do you like tuna? I like to put tuna saled (mayo & tuna only) in a tortillas add your favorite cheese but I recommend cheddar & then warm it slightly Add pickle lettuce or tomatoe based on personal preference
Dakota went to her usual starting place before loping a few pole runs and sprinting a couple. She finished and dismounted, letting Secret walk around, as she put away the poles
"Thanks" She said, smiling as the adreneline still coursed through her. Once everything was put away and Secret was walked out, Dakota untacked and groomed the mare before turning her out. Dakota walked back to the house
Dakota went to grab sweatpants and one of Elijah's t-shirts before placing them in the bathroom and going over to Elijah. She took Ethan and put him down for a nap before turning back to Elijah with a miscievious look in her eye. "Take a shower with me?" She offered, gently tugging him to the bathroom