
Sage had closed his eyes again with a sigh once she confirmed it was a full moon, nodding and taking the pill she'd handed him, murmuring a quiet thanks. After a few minutes, once the pain meds had started to dull his mind, he managed to get himself to the couch and flop over, letting his arm rest over his eyes and just laying there until Celeste got him after packing. For now, he just had to try and ignore the pain and uncertainty of the babies possibly morphing too.
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Celeste got a bag packed very fast, mostly for the babies, but a few things for Sage too. She loaded the bag and the babies into the gold cart safely before going back for Sage. She didn't say anything, knowing his ears were sensitive right now. She helped him out to the cart, buckling him in before driving them all down to the morph house.

When Celeste moved back to him, he let her help him out of the house, and then down to the golf cart. They were at the morph house soon enough, and he let her help him inside before moving to undress and wrap up in a blanket, curling up on the soft mats on the floor to just wait until the morph actually started, migraine starting to hurt worse again as time went on.
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Celeste got the babies into the morph house too, settling them into their warm carseats. Celeste then knelt beside Sage, stroking his shoulders, murmuring reassurances to him. Suddenly, Atticus started to cry, so Celeste got up and checked on him. He didn't need to be changed, so she moved to nurse him, but he refused to latch on. So, not hungry either... Celeste grabbed Atticus' favorite stuffie from the bag, a purple hippo, and he took it, clinging onto the stuffed, but continued to cry. Oh no... he was gonna morph too... "Sage..." she whispered hoarsely, gazing over at him. It hurt so much to see Sage in pain, but her own baby?

Sage relaxed slightly once Celeste settled down next to him, her soft words and touch helping keep him calm. Though, when Atticus started crying, his ears flattened against his head and he winced, doing his best to drown out the noise. Though, at Celeste's comment he looked over at the baby, sort of shifting and holding his arms out. "Give him to me," he managed to grit out, curling around the baby once he had a hold of him. The next few hours were long, and hard as normal ...but it felt almost better having the baby to focus on. Like it wasn't so hard. Att had fully morphed before him, of course, since he was much smaller....so once that happened he let the puppy move and get used to his new body, while his own continued to break and regrow itself.
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Celeste handed the baby over to Sage. She couldn't watch. Hearing her babies cries and screeches as he morphed was almost too much. She cried through it all. When Att was morphed, Celeste held him close as he curled up in her lap, purple hippo in his mouth. Celeste rubbed Sages back, continuing to reassure him as he morphed.

Sage had taken another hour or so to morph before he had relaxed, panting slightly but moving to let Atticus, in his new puppy form, crawl into him, still clearly just exploring.
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Atticus trotted over to Sage in his puppy form, still holding his purple hippo toy in his mouth. Celeste smiled, tear stains down her cheeks. That was really hard to see. It was awful when it was just Sage but seeing her baby go through that... that was awful. Celeste curled up to Sage too. But as she moved, she felt that change within her and she knew she was fertile again. Celeste didn't dare move or say anything, she didn't know how bad his instincts would be when he was in his wolf form and it was not the time for that right now.

Sage had shifted to his feet, tail wagging slowly as he nudged the puppy. It was funny really....in his wolf form, att looked exactly like him, only he still had Celeste's eyes. He sort of moved to play with the pup for a while before settling down again as he knew they'd have to morph back soon. He did pick up on Celeste's scent, but he ignored it best he could since a, he was currently a wolf, b, she'd just given birth and probably wasn't ready for any large activity, and c, he'd be out of it for a few days at least.
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Celeste smiled and watched from a distance. Att had come back to her only to leave his purple hippo with her while he played with his father. When they laid back down, Celeste went over to the two wolves. She held Atticus, holding his purple hippo again, and scratched in between Sages ears along with running her hand down his back comfortingly. She knew they'd morph again soon.