
Sage played with Liz, quietly talking to the girl who still hasn't said her first word but was pretty close as of her age now. Even so, she could babble back at him, which he was happy to listen to
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Celeste smiled, leaning into Sage. Once Xavier and Atticus finished nursing, they fell asleep on her chest, as Celeste moved June to nurse, who latched on right away and began drinking her fill.

Sage had helped Celeste shift babies around, so June could nurse, then moved to get lunch together for them and Liz. He was getting hungry, anyway. "Want anything specific," he called over to Celeste, setting Liz up with some baby food and some solids to start trying.
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"Something exotic," she smiled over her shoulder.

Sage nodded with a grunt, finishing taking care of Liz and the moving to cook some of the zebra they still had in the fridge for Celeste.
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Celeste smiled. June finished nursing, but started crying once again, and then Liz joined. So Celeste put Xavier and Atticus down for a nap before changing June and Lizzies diapers.

Sage had barely gotten food started cooking when the girls started crying, so he helped Celeste settle the boys down, then running back to the oven to turn it off and get lunch before it burnt as Celeste changed diapers
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Celeste Harlow-Acker - Once June was changed, she fell right asleep, so Celeste put her with her brothers. After Lizzie was changed, she brought her over to her high chair and washed her hands, preparing Lizzies food.

Sage had finished cooking his and Celeste's lunch by the time she'd gotten Lizzie her food, so he made sure she was settled and had food and water before sitting down next to her with his own.
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Celeste Harlow-Acker - Lizzie started playing with her food, so Celeste spoon-fed her as she ate her own lunch.