
Sage had settled in downstairs, taking care of the kids as they woke one by one and then sort of relaxed and drifted off again. His ears twitched when he heard her yell, and he called up a "coming," to her, making sure Liz was alright in her play pen area before moving upstairs to wander into the bathroom and move to help Celeste up
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Celeste Harlow-Acker - Celeste smiled and got up out of the tub, with a lot of his help. "Thanks,"

Sage nodded and moved to grab a towel, wrapping her up in the warm cloth, happy to help. "Of course," he hummed. "Dry off, I'll get some comfy pajamas for you to lounge on today," he added, moving off into the bedroom
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Celeste smiled, drying herself off. "Thank you,"

Sage nodded and helped her slide into pajamas once she was dry. Then he helped move her downstairs where the kiddos were
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Celeste walked downstairs with him, going right over to her babies. She smiled and picked the three of them up, kissing each of their heads as they reached up with their tiny hands to clinging to her.

Sage helped her down the stairs, chuckling when the babies reached for their mother. They really were just perfect. He settled down next to the four of them with a content sigh, just watching them happily.
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Celeste smiled, Atticus and Xavier started to cry, so she moved to nurse the two of them while June waited patiently for her turn and played with Celestes necklace.

Sage stayed on the couch, scooping Liz up when she crawled over. She perched in his lap, playing with her toy, apparently just wanting some attention like the babies had.
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Celeste Harlow-Acker - Celeste smiled, content with their little family.