
Sage grinned over at her when she asked when they started. "Once I'm off. You'll have to wake up early, but youll just come with me once I get off duty and have the time," he noted lightly.
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"Okay... When do we start?" Ally tilted he head, watching him as they moved
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Sage shrugged. "I'm off at 7 in the morning," he noted. "So get some rest, and I'll grab you as I leave for my trailer," he noted.
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Ally nodded slightly "alrighty then" she looked over at him for a second before looking away. "Thank you for doing this" she said softly
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Sage nodded, glancing over at her with a small smile and nod. "Well ...prison life is pretty miserable at its best," he noted. "If you shouldn't be there then I want you out of there as quickly as possible."
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Ally nodded slowly then looked up at the trees. "I can't wait to play softball again... hopefully I still know how to catch" she said sadly, though it was supposed to be teasing.
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Sage hummed softly in response to her comment. "I'm sure you'll be able to just fine," he noted, though he could tell the teasing was only half hearted from her.
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Ally sighed softly, letting her gaze trace each tree before coming back to the building her cell was in. "Can we take another lap? Please?" She looked back at Sage
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Sage nodded when she asked about another lap, offering her a sorry of grin. "Sure," he noted, not minding the extra time out with her
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"Yay!" Alleyah smiled and skipped in a circle, glancing at Sage every once and a while. "What's the world like? Who's the president? Ahh I feel so behind... like a teen without social media." She giggled "I never had social media. Never understood the reason for it. All of my friends were always with me or I was practicing." She sighed and stopped skipping
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