Chris smiled and walked towards his chair next to the bed, "It'll be good to talk, i havent been able to sleep a wink" the thought of Tucker lying dealthy still haunted Chris. "No he didn't hurt me but it looks like he hurt you, are you alright?"
Annika nodded a little. "Just rubbed me raw with ropes, but otherwise I'm fine. Why can't you sleep?" Annika got up and stood beside Chris, holding out her arms so he could see the raw skin. After a second she reached down and gently grabbed Chris's arm, pulling him up. "I know I need sleep" she muttered softly. "But I've been having nightmares" she sat him down on the side of his bed. Annika sat down beside him. She stared blankly at the wall for a moment. "I don't know what to do about it" she flopped backwards and stared at the ceiling.
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Chris hid his face from her's as he sat down on the bed, "Just been thinking of Tucker I guess". He paused and looked towards the ground the picture of Tucker lying on the ground flooded back through his head, he brushed it aside and instead focused on Annika. Her hair looked rather radient tonight. He smiled at Annika and layed down, stuffing a pillow underneath his head. "Lets just hope Tucker's learnt his lesson"
"I hope he learned more than just a lesson. Kidnapping someone is out of line. Kidnapping a royal is worse! He should've been killed." She pulled her hand over her face. "But not you. You shouldn't have had to hurt him. But just focus on the fact that you save me" she sat up and took his hand in hers. "You saved my life. There's not telling what would have happened to me had you have not come" she pulled him into a hug. "Thank you" she whispered.
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Chris nodded and smiled when she engulfed him in a hug, "I only did what a normal person would do" -I'm feeling attached to this girl and that seems wrong....especially since we're been forced into this- He looked towards Annika and noticed a piece of fluff in her hair, "You got a piece of cotton in your hair probarly from these horrid pillows" without thinking he reached up and grabbed the piece from her hair, after grabbing it he quickly moved his hand away not wanting her to feel uncomfortable, "I'm sorry just habit i guess" He smiled and threw the piece away. "Clearly I need new pillows" He grabbed a nearby pillow and almost instantly cotton started falling off.
Annika smiled a little "yeah. They look like they have seen better days" she reached for a different pillow, leaning over Chris so she could reach. She brought it back then picked at each little fuzzy. "Why are there so many!" She asked, making sure to keep her voice low. She put the pillow back then laid back down, watching Chris. "Does your mother suspect?" Annika didn't want her to worry. She probably had to visit her father soon. Annika really wanted to see Penton again, but her Father would never let that happen after what they did in the dress shop
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Chris laughed, "I know right" he paused, "Well I think she has some idea as she seemed rather weird this afternoon, tomorrow i'll probarly get the huge lecture on how I shouldnt be sneaky off" He sighed and picked up a old pillow, "Pillow fight!" He wacked the pillow out of Annika's hands and waited for her to pick it back up, "I'm winning this one" he laughed.
Annika shrieked "no you are NOT!" She grabbed the pillow she had earlier and slammed it into Chris's side. She jumped up, crawling over the bed and stopping on the other side, turning and hitting him again. "I haven't had a pillow fight in ages! But don't you think it'll make a mess?" All of the fuzzies were crowding the air
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Chris turned around sharply and smashed the pillow towards Annika only missing her slightly. "Who cares about the mess" He laughed and dived towards Annika pillow in hand. He smashed his pillow against her pillow missing her body by an inch. "C'mon Chris" he said rather loudly, "Oops can't let mother or father be woken up" He whispered
Annika giggled "ahh!" She dodged his pillow attacks. She tried not to laugh "yeah they can't know we're having fun. They'll lose their minds" she doubled over with laughter though she was still quiet. She laid down on her back on the bed then threw the pillow to the side "I surrender. I lay down my weapon" she looked up at Chris. Annika suddenly turned serious "Can I ask you a question..?"
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