Ajax opened his eyes enough to look at Mercy with the *you are failing at something* glance, and for this case it was her little smile. "The only time my body ever puts up with it is when it's capable. These past few times it has NOT been capable." he snorted, grimacing slightly as the quick movement felt like it jerked his chest out of his chest. Not a fun feeling. "This time I didn't even TRY to scare the *holiness* out of you." Ajax started with a furrowed brow. "I was just passed out minding my own business when I got thrown... against... a wall!" he finished, pleased that he could speak now without gagging or feeling like he would choke on air. "This doesn't look very fun either, eh?" Ajax asked with a slight eyebrow raise. He wasn't exactly happy about being immobalized in Mercy's lap, buuuuttt he didn't try to do anything about it. The little fact that he physically COULDN'T helped. Just a tiny bit.
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"I noticed by the large red gashes you gained from those times." She said sarcastically. "Okay, fine, you get a pass this time. Since I'm in a gracious mood." She could tell he wasn't very entertained with laying down playing hospital for her, but she knew he wouldn't do a damn thing about it. She gave a mock gasp of offense. "Excuse me? Do you know how long people wait in line for a turn in my care? You are very lucky right now." She said sarcastically, brushing his hair back out of his eyes again since it had shifted, almost instinctively.
Ajax blew out a breath. "I noticed them, too." He agreed with another sarcastic tone to match Mercy's. "A gracious mood?" Ajax resisted a snort, knowing it would hurt. He was starting to think of trying to at least lift an arm, but then so many other strenuous things would have to happen. He would have to lift the arm that weight 10 tons, roll over, push himself up, stagger against the tree, and brace his legs against the ground so he couldn't fall over again. That seemed like altogether too much work right now, so he let his body stay rather limp. "Oh yes, I'M lucky. Sure, I got the VIP pass and everything to Miss Mercy's amazing care and hospitality. What does VIP stand for again? Very Important Penguin?" Ajax's voice was loaded with sarcasm and he couldn't resist a snort at the end of this one, even though it did hurt.
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She giggled at his comment. "Yes, very important penguin, thats you." She smiled, leaning back against a tree and looking down at him. "I'll have you know very few people get VIP passes to my care. And don't call me Miss Mercy. It makes me sound old." She crinkled her nose slightly, watching him carefully.
Ajax knew he would regret and be pleased with saying that at the same time, but there was no way he would be able to keep it back... however *demonic* or angry he got at times, he was still all jokester and play under that hard crust. If there was a good opportunity for a good joke just shining right there, he was going to grab it. "That's me." He agreed, then couldn't resist a chuckle at Mercy's next sentence. All that did was bring waves of pain which really didn't help the whole thinking thing, making him wince and tighten his hands slightly. -Hey, I can move my hands!- He thought cheerily. Now he just had to be able to move... the rest of his body. "Yes ma'am, I won't call you Miss Mercy. How bout Ms. Mercy? Is that better?" Ajax asked with a twinkle in his dark eyes, that shone through even the pain that clouded them
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"Screw you." Mercy giggled. "Its not any better, you little gremlin." She teased, tilting her head down at him and trying to figure out if his eyes were black or blue. "How about you just call me Mercy and be done with it? Or, you can keep calling me 'Miss' and your new name will be penguin." She suggested sarcastically.
At this point, Ajax was rather victorious. Even though he had lost most ability to move his body, some of his blood was still trickling out at a slow pace, his ribs were broken beyond repair, well, they might heal on their own in the next 100 years or so. The point is, even though he didn't have any physical movement at all right now, he still hadn't lost his ability to make people laugh. Even if his jokes were so stupid they were funny, even if the person didn't think they were funny at all but couldn't help smiling, it still cheered them up a little. -I swear I'm getting cramps from laying on her leg .. still... way too long- Ajax thought grumpily, wishing he had the ability to be stubborn and crawl away. "Gremlin? How insulting." He sniffed, for that's about all he could do without pain. Hey, at least smiling didn't hurt. "Penguin!?" Ajax squeaked, a sound that Mercy probably thought would never come from him. "Okay Mercy, at your command, I'll do what'eer you say, just DO NOT call me PENGUIN."
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She grinned at him. "Alright, penguin boy, we have a deal." Mercy chuckled, giving a small sigh and looking up at the sky. "Hey, what did you say to me after I left? I heard you say something but I couldnt make out what it was." She added, looking back down at him.
Ajax narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression not the happiest. Which was quite easy to do when blood streaked his face. "I said don't, not do. I am great at checking hearing, if you'd like." Ajax said back, a sly smile on his face. He had *checked the hearing* of a countless number of unfortunate demons which might have involved smashing their ears into their skulls then saying... *Nope, your hearings crushed to crap*. It was quite fun when he hated the demon. At Mercy's words Ajax thought back, looking a little confused. "Which thing? I said like fourty things how am I supposed to remember?" He asked, then his face lit up. "Ohhh you mean the thing that may have sounded like it was said in gibberish?" He asked with a teasing gleam in his eye
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"I think I'm okay for now, but thanks for the offer." She joked. She rolled her eyes at him. "Yes, what else would you think I meant?" She huffed, looking over his chest to see if he was still bleeding. She ended up having to restaunch his back wound as it had opened uo again, giving a small sigh as she did so.