Sage noticed the girl come over and sit inside their little fort and he glanced over at her before going back to watching the sun set. He was fiddling nervously the entire time, and his fidgeting only got worse the lower the sun sank. He'd gotten up and started to pace across the fort relentlessly as it sunk below the horizon, biting his nails nervously as he waited for the moon to rise.
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Quinn tried to forget about what's going to happen but she felt terrible. It was horrible what he had to go through...
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Sage eventually sighed when he knew the moon would be up any minute and curled up on the ground again, making sure he was on some padded blankets so he wouldn't hurt himself as much. A few minutes later, he let out a quiet hiss of pain when he felt the start of the morphing in his legs and sort of hunkered down into the ground, nostrils flaring and he starting panting a bit. Was it too much to press against the girl? She'd be comforting, he thought.
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When she saw him laying on the ground, her brows creased. She wanted to help... but didn't know how...
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Sage sort of just stayed where he was, trying not to make too many noises. But, when the muscles and bones started breaking and snapping and trying to rearrange themselves, he let out a pained yell, knowing it was coming but also never used to the kind of pain that tore through his body. As it went on, he sort of just lay on the ground, yelling in pain whenever something shifted, writhing on the ground as his human body protested the reshaping of parts of it.
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The cries broke right through her heart, and she could barely take it. She wanted to help so badly... but she couldn't do anything. She wished she could comfort Sage...
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Sage wasn't aware of very much around him, but he was keenly aware of the fact that he was incredibly vulnerable. And yet...knowing the girl was there, right next to him, made things a bit easier. She wouldn't let anyone hurt him. After a few hours or so of rolling about in pain, he was just downright exhausted. He still had the rest of the night to go, though. He sort of forced himself to roll to the side when his body jerked again, so he could lay his hand against the girl, just so he knew she was there even if his vision had gone all swirly and he could no longer see her.
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Quinn stayed there, al, night, knowing Sage needed someone. She held his hand tightly. Wanting him to know she was there for him and wouldn't let anything happen to him. She just hoped she didn't have a brain attack. (Idk what to call them LOL)
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(lol me either xD) The rest of the night was long, as per usual. But, admittedly, having Quinn there did help a bit. Just knowing he wasn't alone seemed to make things much easier. Eventually, as it got lighter and the moon set, Sage went back to his human forms, for the parts of his body that did change a bit. Everything still hurt, a lot, but he was exhausted. His hair was plastered to his face with sweat, and he was bleeding from a few places where he'd hurt himself during the morphing. Once it was all over though, he squeezed Quinn's hand slightly, as best he could ..kind of telling her it was alright, before passing out.
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When Sage squeezed her hand, she looked over just before he passed out. She went out and grabbed some healing leaves, then went back in and wrapped his small wounds. Then she grabbed a cup And filled it with water, made a fire, boiled the water so it purified it, then sat it near him to cool off. She covered him with a blanket and walked out side, taking off his shirt and pants and leaving her undergarmets on and washed herself, splashing water unto her face. She felt terrible, there were rings under her eyes and she looked like a nightmare, but she was sure Sage felt worse so she battled through it. Quinn took care of the horses, then sat down and kept splashing her face and scrubbing her arms. She had just a tank top like thing on, and some shorts that rare now soaked.
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