Sage glanced back at the girl when she slowed down and nodded, letting the girl pull him away and over to a spot to sit down. He plopped down next to the girl, and lay down on his back with a grunt, lacing his fingers over his stomach, trying to catch his breath. Soon enough, he had caught his breath enough to talk, and looked over at the girl. "You know...it would be easier to just..eliminate the competition than run from him forever," he hummed. He could easily sneak in and kill the man...and he would, too, if he kept chasing them.
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Claudia gave a slight eye roll, "Not to be rude or anything...but Sage, he must have hunted...and eliminated many other monsters before me. I mean...I don't want to have a high risk of dying or you dying.". Claudia looked over at Sage before glancing at him, up and down, his breathing was rough enough that it worried her. "Maybe we should stay here for a bit, " She looked around, "It doesn't look like you'll be walking properly for a few hours at least, maybe more.". He had been healing still from the night before, he must have been a good bit sore.
Sage nodded and shrugged. "Well...he's a hunter, which means he's not used to being hunted himself," he pointed out. "It wouldn't take much effort for me to sneak up on him." Then he groaned and wrinkled his nose slightly. "I'll be fine...I'm just a bit sore," he reassured the girl. Though, it was worse than a bit sore...but he didn't want to worry her. "We sould stay...it's out of our way and sheltered enough, I suppose," he mused.
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Claudia nodded, her gaze went to Sage, and she smiled. He somehow always managed to make her smile, sometimes she didn't think he was even trying. Thats one of the reasons she loves him, nobody really ever made her laugh before she met Sage, it was weird really. Claudia moved closer to the boy, and sighed, "I know you hurting...this is the main reason that I'm going to ask Mr.Lopex to accept you into one of his restaurant jobs. You won't be in a room with someone, that's only if you want to now." Claudia said with a hint of flirting. "It won't be forced on you to do so.".
Sage chuckled slightly when the girl scooted closer, though he picked up the hint of flirty purr in her voice and he grinned up at her. "Well, I'll stay with you still," he chirped. Then he winked. "And I'm stealing part of the bed as long as possible," he teased, knowing she probably wouldn't care if he stayed in the bed with her since she'd already invited him in. Yes, it was because he was hurt, but still...she wouldn't mind it. Especially not now that they were a couple, of course.
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Claudia smiled, "Sounds fine by me." she laughed before slouching down the tree. At least Mr.Lopex had rooms with much softer beds, she remembered whenever her parents were fighting there, which was annoying, especially in front of people they didn't know. Claudia would go upstairs or wherever the room they were staying in was, and just flop on the bed, sometimes jumping on it. Mr.Lopex hadn't really cared what she did, she was his favorite customer's child anyways. If he hadn't liked her, boy, her parents would be furious. Even if they didn't like her...
Sage gave the girl a wide grin and chuckled. "Wonderful. Then you're stuck with me forever," he chirped, his tone really just a playful one. He scooted over closer to the girl and rested his head lightly on her shoulder with a sigh. They had plenty of time before dark, would it be easier to stay here or go? His breathing was alright now. "I'm alright to walk, if you'd rather not spend the night in the woods," he hummed. "But it really doesn't matter to me." He stayed in the woods all the time, so he didn't really care either way. Though, a soft bed did sound nice, he supposed. And ..well...they had no food or anything, so a meal would be nice too. Though, he wasn't sure if the girl wanted to eat or if she was too nervous.
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"Yes, we should get going," Claudia stated as she rested her head on Sage's. She didn't want there to be even a slim chance of the hunter finding them. Even if Sage wasn't the one the hunter was after he could still get hurt...Claudia wanted nothing to happen to him, ever. But sometimes it's just out of your control, things happen that you cant stop...but Claudia would try her hardest not to get Sage into trouble with anyone. She smiled at her boyfriend before standing up and looking around, trying to figure out the way to go from here. They couldn't be to far now.
Sage hummed in agreement and nodded, forcing himself to his feet again. It hurt, but he'd manage alright. Especially since they were mostly to their destination. He did hope that mr. Lopex would let him work there...even if it's just cleaning after hours or something. It would be better than the tavern, that was for sure. He reached over to grab the girls hand as they walked, and soon they reached the restaurant. He opened the door for Claudia and then looked around before slipping in after her.
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Claudia looked around the restaurant, trying to pick out Mr.Lopex, "Back again I see?" Claudia turned around to see the owner smiling. "Good morning, Mr.Lopex. We are in a bit of trouble...but I was also wondering if Sage, here, could possibly get a job here. He has some experience with making food." Claudia gave a smile to Sage before turning back to Mr.Lopex. His gaze went to Sage, and he paused before nodding, "Im a bit low on workers at the moment, that would be perfect with me. How would 30 dollars an hour sound? That's what I do for all my workers here, we can also discuss what job you will be wanting.".