Elijah nods, "Sounds fun"
Dakota rolled her eyes playfully
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Elijah kisses her, "be safe"
"Always am" She said, standing up and going outside to the horses. She groomed and tacked up Secret with a smile, glad to be with her heart horse. She mounted up and walked Secret to the arena before tying her and setting up the barrels. She mounted back up and loped a few rounds, tweaking things here and there, before going full speed for a couple rounds.
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Elijah nods, going to clean the hosue a bit
Dakota happily put away the barrels after nearly 3 hours of riding. Secret was exhausted and so was Dakota as she led her mare from the arena and to the barn. She untacked rather quickly, happy to see Elijah. She put the cooler on Secret before turning the mare out with a smile. Secret loped over to her friends as Dakota turned and walked back to the house. She sighed and went to take a shower
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Elijah smiles, preparing her a plate of food, knowing she'd be tired. He also placed a glass of water next to the plate. He then sat down with Ethan to watch his favorite kids show
After she had taken a shower and blow-dried her hair, Dakota walked out to her husband. "Hey" She murmured, kissing him.
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Elijah smiles, "I made you some food and a cup of water" he says kissing her back. "I knew you'd be tired so I prepared a little something" he says stroking her hair.
Dakota smiled. "Thanks" She murmured, going to eat
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