Lol stoppppp purposely smelling is worse than just breathing!) - "I will NOT go to sleep. We WILL be up in an hour. " she said with a grin. Abby's hair decided it wanted to grow legs and walk right into her mouth. She pulled back and wiped at her face. "Sorry" she mumbled as she found one more hair. She pulled her hair to the side and laid down again, making sure it didn't get close again.
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(But c'mon CREEPY BREATHING. ... ... ... lemme repeat that, CREEPY. She's like evilly memorizing the scent of his neck like a vampire or something) - Ryker grinned, muffling a laugh as her hair decided to go its own route. "Sorry? No, don't be, just more amusement for me. You're like a walking comedy show." He teased. "In a good way." He then added with a smile, his head craned back to see the sun shining through the curtains.
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And what do you think Ryker is doing!!! Memorizing the smell of her hair and stuff lol) - "Wow. Walking comedy show. Want me to jump around and juggle some? Make it a circus instead?" She rolled her eyes with a smile. "Whatcha looking a- oooh!!!" She threw back the covers before grabbing a small blanket and wrapping it around herself. She peeked around the curtain at the view. "Wow..." the sun was just starting to rise above the horizon and the buildings were reflecting every little ray. The entire city seemed to glitter!
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WHAT EATS HAIR HUH??? THE HAIRPIRE? AND WHERE DO VAMPIRES MUNCH OFF OF? THE NECK. See my point? XDDD) - Ryker chuckled with a twinkle in his eye. "I would dare you to, but I'm afraid that means my maturity level would drop considerably." He joked, huffing and snatching the covers back as she quickly left. "BRRRRRR" He snorted, his only source of warmth immediately gone. "I'm now going to freeze. Have fun cuddling with a Ryker-popsicle."
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LOL STOP MAKING ME LOOK DUMBBBBBBBB) - Abby laughed as she turned around and quietly crossed the room. "Oh shush. I'm back" she plopped beside him. "I have a tiny blanket. Scoot" she stuck her feet under the blanket then shimmied her way in right beside Ryker. "Now your heat source is back, although it was just me radiating your heat back onto you. " she smiled.
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(*flashes a smile* I'm good at that LOL) - Ryker blew out a relieved breath and wrapped his arm around her shoulders with a content sigh. "Ah, my warmth is back." He paused with a snort. "Yeah, you're sucking all the warmth out of me, stealing it, making most of it evaporate as you walk across the room, then return for MORE." He huffed jokingly.
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Ahhh not fairrrr) - "so dramatic" she kissed him before laying back again, her side pressed against his. "Ok. What's on the agenda today?"
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Ryker reciprocated the kiss before flopping back down as well. "Dramatic is my thing, and I have no idea you're the planning person. You could tell me to jump off a cliff and I would happily, so you plan aaaanything you want and I'm sure I'd be thrilled to do it if it means spending time with you." He grinned.
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"Awww" hee face deceived her as a light blush crept to her cheeks. "Your too kind. But really. I am no planner. It if was up to me we would go skipping through Vegas with nowhere to actually go and getting lost in the process, which is probably what is going to happen. " Abby grinned "I don't know. Either we get dressed and March out way around Vegas or we stay in the comfort of the bed for however long we decide to stay here"
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Ryker smirked the tiniest bit- score for him!- as she blushed. (YOU'RE) "We could do that." He said with a grin. "I'd be up for either of those things, but to warn you I can only stay awake for so long in a warm comfortable bed." He joked as he kissed her gently. "Sooo do whatever your heart desires and I will tag along. Slowly."
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