Azai nodded and headed back to his hideout. He started to get ready. picking up a sniper rifle he checked it over with a sly smile.
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Quinn sucked in a breath and departed, heading towards the building she had worked in. She entered, and not surprisingly, no one noticed her- until she asked for clearance to go see her advisor. The guard looked shocked, calling in and saying that Ms. Carter had been found, hurt but alive. Quinn made sure to add a small limp to her step and TRY to look bedraggled as she was guided to the office, and then the person she HATED was right there, in front of her, again. The guard left when the man asked. "Ms. Carter, I simply cannot believe you're back! When Azai took you we searched everywhere but could not find you. Are you okay?" The man asked. Quinn resisted gritting her teeth and nodded sharply. "Yes, sir. I'm fine. But I learned about where Azai is and what he's planning to do." She dropped her voice, coming closer. "Sir, the other person in charge of the Police sources is in grave danger. Come over here and I can give you a bearing on where I was held captive. I got away just in time, but Azai will put his plan into motion immediately. We need to move fast." She said, walking over to the window. To her relief, the man followed. Perfect shot.
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Azai waited for Quinn's word. He was ready whenever she was. He loved the part about putting his plan int motion immediatly. "yes indeed I will" he chuckled. Pulling the trigger back he smirked nodding to Quinn.
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Quinn didn't let her gaze flick to the window. She kept talking until there was a loud Crack, and the man fell over, a bullet clear through the skull. The glass had shattered, and a lot of it nicked Quinn, but in only one place did it cut deeply into her side. She could see blood start to ooze out already. She knew people would come running, but now she needed to play her part- stay good till the end. She let out a yell of, seeming, terror and bolted out the door as people came rushing forward. "He's- he's dead!" She gasped. "I was talking to him and then the glass shattered." Quinn exclaimed to someone. People were suddenly rushing away and paying no mind to her. Stupid people. Glancing around before slipping out, she walked swiftly away, dodging through some alleys before entering an empty warehouse. Quinn winced as she sat down, leaning against a concrete pillar and peeling up her shirt, where a long, jagged glass shard had sliced into her side. Blood soaked the area around the wound. Thankfully, it only went through muscle, but the pain was starting to grow as the adrenaline wore off.
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Azai jumped down through a hole in the warehouse roof. "hey let me see" He said softly. Kneeling down beside Quinn he took a look at her side. "ouch maybe I should have waited till you steped away a bit huh" he ran a hand through his long white blond hair. "we should get you to a doctor. Then plan for phase two."
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Quinn flinched slightly as she heard a thud on the floor. Her eyes were a little slow to move, but she did identify Azai quickly, which was good because it's not like he was going to turn her to the police, but also bad... because she wasn't sure if he actually was trustworthy. He had kidnapped her, kept her locked up, and was a murderer. However, since he didn't seem to be trying to dispatch her while she was on the floor, then she decided to push those thoughts away for a while and focus on their goal. "No, it's a good thing you did it as soon as possible. Otherwise he might've moved." She answered. "One can only stare out the window for so long." A ghost of a smile flickered across her usually frowning face, but it disappeared quickly. "I can't go to a doctor- that'd be a waste of time, and it might compromise me. Technically, no one has any evidence against me yet, but since I ran? They might be looking for me." She stated quietly, attempting to push herself to her feet. She quickly realized she had lost more blood than she thought, as her head started spinning like a Tilt-A-Whirl and she almost toppled right back over.
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Azai carefully ssteadied Quinn. "alright I'll hide out and wait to see what happens." he sighed looking around "let me know if you need me." He then disappered into the shadows.
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Quinn nodded slowly, leaning up against the concrete pillar and watching him disappear. She then waited till her world stopped spinning before starting to move on to treat her wound, as she did need to do that, even if she didn't need to go to the doctor. She made it to a convenience store with nobody getting suspicious, bought items without any problem, and went to an abandoned place somewhere. Sitting down on the floor again, she sucked in a deep breath and cut off the part of her shirt that lay over the glass... that was still in her side. She then gritted her teeth and pulled it out, hissing in pain, her vision going blurry for a second. Blood quickly started trickling out, so she grabbed the rest of the stuff and blocked it. 20 painful minutes later she was badly stitched up and ready to pass out from the pain, which she did end up doing as her world faded to black.
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Azai passed in his hideout. He was getting worried. Quinn hadn't contacted him. He debated going to look for her. But he decided against it. "just wait like she told you" he said through gritted teeth.
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Quinn woke up a few hours later, groaning as bright light streamed in. She then remembered what happened and tried to sit bolt upright, but pain rocketed through her side, causing her to hiss and draw back. She shouldn't have passed out or stayed here- now the wound was probably infected. With a quick glance confirming the theory, she groaned lightly again, this time at her own stubborn stupidity, and pushed herself to her feet. Dizziness overcame her at first, but it slowly got better. Quinn wrapped her jacket around her to hide the gaping wound and hole in her shirt, proceeding with a backup plan. 15 minutes later she had another black shirt on that stuck tight to her skin so nothing could get under it. While she walked it tended to rub against the wound and cause pain, but she didn't care at this point. She headed towards the nearest store, buying a burner phone and disappearing. She then called Azai. "What's the next step of the plan?" She asked, some pain clear in her voice.
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