
Amira nodded and kissed his head before sitting beside him
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He sort of shifted to lean against her, letting his head rest on her lap with a sort of sigh, closing his eyes since the light was hurting his head
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Amira hummed a soft tune to him, running her fingers through his hair
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Sage offered her a soft smile, the sound comforting despite how bad he was starting to feel. He would up drifting off to sleep, though he could feel a fever starting to develop as he did.
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Amira gently touched the back of her hand to his forehead and a more maternal looking concerned frown flashed across her features before she went and got a blanket and settled down again
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Sage stirred after a few hours, blinking up at her groggily, definitely feeling pretty crappy. He did notice the blanket, just curling up under it slightly, offering her a small smile of thanks.
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Amira begna to drift off as Liz began crying. Amira was silent and gentle, throwing one more adoring glance at Sage before grabbing their daughter. She spun the little girl around, grinning as the baby giggled in delight. Amira went and sat beside Sage once more, exhausted but needing to keep an eye on Liz. She sighed and waited until Liz fell asleep before drifting off herself
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Sage woke to a coughing fit a while later, and tried to hold them in until he could get to another room, since Amira was asleep with Liz next to him and he didn't want to wake them. So he staggered over to the bathroom, chest heaving as he coughed for a while, then doing his best to catch his breath after, chest aching
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Amira's eyes shot open and she shifted Liz to lay on the couch. Amira hurried to Sage, placing a hand on his back. "Babe, are you okay?" she murmured softly, handing him a glass of water
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Sage glanced over at her when she came up, nodding breathlessly. "Just a cough," he noted, voice hoarse. He couldn't really catch his breath, but he did try his best to breathe normally.
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