
"I just don't think I can physically get any warmer" Abby was quickly warming up. "I lied" she smiled "I'm warming up now" she nuzzled into his neck. "Mmm" she kissed his neck softly
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Ryker smiled a little at that, and his smile only grew with her next words. "Knew it. Don't speak before you know." He teased, twisting his head to kiss her gently. "Relaxation is nice, but I do miss Frynn and Serpant and Shadow and Sun already..."
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"Don't make me miss them too! They're in good- great hands" Abby kissed him again. "Do we want to go explore in a few hours? Since it's 4:30 now?" She gently tugged at his shirt
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Ryker chuckled a little. "Okay, I won't mention them again" He answered before stopping his talking mouth. "Yeaaah. For the first time in ever I almost want to get up." He laughed a little, stretching his arms above his head.
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She grabbed his arms and pulled them down over herself, returning her hands to their place under his shirt. "I don't know about you, but I'm not moving for the next two hours" she cuddled closer to him with a sigh
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Ryker let his hands be guided back down around her. "Oh gosh, the energetic Abigail Rivera is admitting to not wanting to move? Where did the world take a turn?" He asked dramatically, grinning a little before closing his eyes as he moved a little closer to her, if possible.
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"Don't mock me Mr. Ryker Rivera. " she smiled when he scooted closer. She put her leg on the other side of Ryker, picked herself up, and laid down on him, her chest against his. "Now we can't physically get any closer." She kissed him then gazed into his eyes
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"How can I not? I'm made for it." He smiled sweetly, though it might've been considered a small smirk as he responded to the first part, then he rolled his eyes. "No Mr! Being called Mr makes me feel like I'm a billion years old." He joked with a small groan, exhaling a little as she did her best to squish him. "You're right about that. We can't." He faked a wheeze with a grin, reciprocating the kiss tenderly. "If the whole week is like this I'd be pretty happy " he teased quietly.
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"I don't weigh that much! I'm NOT squishing you!" She playfully poked his shoulder. "But we have to get up and explore!" She sat up slightly, her nose brushing his.
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"I never SAID you were!" He protested with a grin, emphasizing the word *said*. "When? Only an hour has passed." Ryker asked, pushing his head forward slightly to kiss her cheek. "I'd be content to stay here."
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