

Sage hummed in thought and shrugged. "Whatever I think might be a fun idea to sell," he mused. "Sort of just brainstorming," he added with a chuckle
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Amira nodded, in awe of his talent
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Sage sketched out a few more things before flopping over on the couch with a sigh, setting the papers off to the side.
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Amira moved to curl up with him as Liz began to cry. Amira softly groaned in protest but got up to grab their daughter. She walked back over to the couch, Liz reaching for Sage
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Sage grinned at Liz as she reached for him, reaching for her and picking her up. "Hey baby girl," he cooked lightly, nestling back into Amira, cradling the baby in his arms.
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Amira sat down beside them and watched. He was the perfect dad and she couldn't ask for more from him.
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Sage grinned up at Amira after a moment, sort of flopping his head down on her lap, resting there happily. "I still can't believe she's here," he chirped happily
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Amira ran her fingers gently through his hair, her hand trailing lightly down his head. "Me neither." She said softly, quietly, nearly a whisper
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Sage just smiled up at her, closing his eyes when he felt her fingers move through his hair. It felt nice, and he was just so glad to have found her.
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