
Dakota was stuck, a black wall of brick blocking her from conciousness. She wanted to wake up, wishing she could, feeling Elijah and hearing him as she pushed against the black wall and failing
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Elijah stroked her hair, talking to her. "I know you likely can't hear me, but I love you" he says, kissing her head. "I will remain here till you wake" he adds.

Dakota could indeed hear him, and pushed harder against the wall of black in defiance. She refused to be defeated by this mindset that had pulled her so far under. She felt his kiss and pressed harder against the wall, creating her hand to twitch. A small but defiant gesture agaisnt the wall. She was telling him she would be okay once she woke and she was trying her hardest to wake.
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Elijah gasps in joy as he sees Dakota's hand twitch. He reaches up and grabs it, stroking the back of it. "C-can you hear me?" he hopes. "If you can, know that I believe in you. You can beat this" he says

Dakota was exhausted mentally, struggling as she pushed harder against the wall. She refused to let up, though, knowing that Elijah was waiting for her to wake.mShe tried to squeeze Elijah's hand, but it was a meek twitch a second time.
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Elijah continues to stroke her hand. "Rest love, don't over exhert yourself while your body is recovering"

Dakota didn't let up, just stayed where she was in the middle space between awake and asleep
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Elijah got Ethan changed and put him down for a nap.

The wall suddenly gave way and Dakota woke with a gasp. She was shaking, but awake.
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Elijah trembled when he saw Dakota awake when he came back. "Dakota!" he says running over to hug her. He held her gently