Sean stood up straight from his truck "Oh y'know just figured I'd head over earlier to spend more time with you but obviously your preoccupied" He hissed out a bit taking a step towards the porch. His gaze snapped from Andi to the boy that started shouting as soon as he woke up. "I'm sorry son if my daughter over here get's you in trouble..." He said with a calm tone, this boy seemed a lot different then any of the other ones Andi had hanging around her so he might as well be nice to the boy. ~ Andi just chuckled sheepishly in response to Sean "Well you see it's not what-" She imemadiately was cut off as Tyler started shouting at her. She shot her gaze over at him seeing a book in his hand and was a confused for a moment but didn't let it show. Andi let him finish shouting actually a bit happy he did before she said something stupid "It's not my fault you can't stay up past 8pm to study! And honestly why do you care if you get detention, you practically live there!" She growled back at him, her eyes filled with annoyance -I love you for this Tyler- She thought to herself really thankful that he was able to think of something so fast before she looked back at her dad who suprisingly was nice to Tyler which she foudn weird considering all the other times a boy was involved
"Oh she's not preoccupied for long, I'm leaving... to not get detention." Tyler snorted sourly. "Thank you for your time, sir, and I apologize for this ... incident. I'm sure it will never happen again. Goodbye." He adressed the man before walking off down the road, not really concerned with how he would get anywhere. Tyler ignored what Andi said, and once he was out of sight he looped back around through the woods and behind the cabin. -Thank the dear Lord for you Andi- TYler thought with a pleased look. His brain actually worked for once.
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Sean only snorted at the boys reaction to Andi yelling back at him which was a reasonable one since her yelling really wasn't anything to even bat an eye at. "I'm sure it won't" He said with a firm tone while looking at Andi while he said it. Sean watched the boy leave for a second before turning his attention back to Andi "So is this where you live now?" He asked with a raised brow ready for any nonsense excuse she was about to throw at him. ~ Andi rolled her eyes at Tylers response and was about to make a joke but stopped herself before she could even open her mouth. Andi froze slightly as her father spoke, she knew he wasn't directing it at Tyler but more at her -There's that threat again..-She thought with a small hitched breath. She watched him walk away inwardly being upset -Oh please don't leave me alone Tyler...- She thought to herself before sighing slightly and looking at her dad "Uh yeah... My apartment you originally saw had gotten black mold in the air ducts so I had to leave until they can get it cleaned" She stated calmly with no break in her voice
Tyler knew he couldn't leave Andi for long so he just devised a strategy to get them both out of there. He heard the man's voice and it sent shivers down his spine... but he sure wasn't scared. He was angry. Tyler had heard enough hidden threats in his days that he knew what Andi's father was saying. -Okay, check. No more falling asleep leaning on each other- Tyler thought grimly. -Aw there she goes with the black mold- He refused the want to snicker, staying quiet. Plan plan plan. Okay, bad plan but still a plan. Tyler went back and rounded the trees before coming back down the road, his expression gruff as he came into view again. "I'm sorry again, would you excuse us for a moment." He said to the man before casting a slight glare at Andi. "The school says they need us right now. We were supposed to turn in the papers yesterday, but I forgot with your loud annoying jabbering. They say they need to explain exactly how our vile *pairing* works." Tyler said gruffly, his shoulders square and his arms crossed. He then tuned to the man with a slightly annoyed expression. "We will have to leave now, it's not that far of walk to school." He half snorted, obviously thinking about something he disliked, then turned on his heel and started stalking back down the road. -If I remember correctly the school is outside of town, and smart me already got papers- Tyler thought. They probably would never even enter the school... but just in case.
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Sean nodded his head before firing off more questions one after another to try and pick apart that excuse but in the end Andi answered them all with a reasonable response. "And how's that hair dresser job going for you? Starting to wash out yet or no?" He asked with a small grin sounding cold but polite. When Andi answered he went to speak again but was cut off by the boy from earlier. Sean listened to what he had to say before nodding "I understand school is important... Remember Andi where we planned to originally meet" He said looking back at her and watching the two walk off before hopping in his truck and heading off. ~ Andi bit her lip slightly as her dad shot out more questions and suprisingly seemed okay with all the answer she gave. She was starting to feel light headed from the pressure she felt of trying to set off a land mind with each answer. When her dad started asking about her job she paused for a moment "Oh it's doing good, their switchign me to a new facility that's being built so I'm out for several weeks until it's done" Andi asnwered calmly then glanced back seeing Tyler walk back up -oh thank goodness- She thought to herself feeling relieved. She listened to what Tyler had to say before firing back at him "Okay okay I'll come along, no need to come back and start barking at me like a annoying dog" She hissed at him before going in and grabbing her school bag. Andi rushed out the door and stood near Tyler at first since that was normal but quickly fixed herself so that there was a bit of distance between then. She glanced back at her dad as he spoke again "Yep see you later" Andi said with a small wave before walking behind Tyler with a huge gap between them.
Tyler hunched his broad shoulders and kept the very grumpy expression on his face until the truck noise faded away completely. Then he kind of just... sagged. "Oh Andi I'm so sorry that was absolutely horrible you have the worst dad ever I do not know how you survived him for this long I probably would have went into a hole and hid or smacked him in the face... it took all of my self control not to do that now or just start screaming at hm like the madman I am!" Tyler exclaimed with a loud breath, his expression mournful and angry at the same time. "Please please please know I mean nothing I say in any of this time, got it?" He said quickly, still mentally traumatized
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Andi kept her gaze down and as soon as the truck faded out of view and Tyler started talking she shot her head up to look at him. She quickly closed the gap between them that she had left while listening to him ramble out all his frustration "Tyler there's no need to apologize honestly. I am glad you didn't punch him in the face but if it makes you feel any better you have full permission to do so if he crosses over any lines" She grabbed him by the arm softly at first but then pulled him into a hug "Got it, I know you wouldn't say things like that to me on purpose... And I hope you know I mean nothing I say" Andi added calmly while adjusting her head so she was looking up at him
Tyler may have been the strong person that wanted to live in the woods and could escape from anyone's clutches... but when it came to emotional standoffs instead of physical standoffs he sucked. His brain just fell apart and he was rather weak at just... speaking. He cracked a small smile at Andi's words "That does make me feel better, and I will. Also, I'm going to have permanent worry lines from this." Tyler commented with a huff of air, though he appreciated the hug. Slowly but surely putting his brain back together, piece by piece.
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Andi gave Tyler a small squeeze before slowly releasing him from the hug. "Glad it does and don't worry yourself too much. As long as I can get past talking with him later then we should be fine right after" She said confidently to get her own spirits up because that seriously was the only thing left to get past but it wouldn't be any normal chat. It'd be just like before where it's more like a interogation than anything. Andi wrinkled her nose slightly at the thought before shaking her head and the thought of it away
Andi gave Tyler a small squeeze before slowly releasing him from the hug. "Glad it does and don't worry yourself too much. As long as I can get past talking with him later then we should be fine right after" She said confidently to get her own spirits up because that seriously was the only thing left to get past but it wouldn't be any normal chat. It'd be just like before where it's more like a interogation than anything. Andi wrinkled her nose slightly at the thought before shaking her head and the thought of it away