
Sage moved to help get out plates and stuff, holding Liz in one hand and working with the other.
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Amira finished, not smiling the entire time, and she served Sage. She wasn't hungry again and just took Liz and went to feed her and put her to bed
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Sage ate dinner slowly, wishing there was something he could do to make her feel better. Happier. He wasn't doing a great job so far, he didn't think.
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Amira just didn't feel like she was doing enough, pulling her own weight, taking care of both Liz and Sage..... She came back downstairs once Liz looked like she wouldn't wake for a while
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Sage glanced over at her when she came back down, offering her a small smile and greeting as he moved to wash the dish he'd been using and out it away.
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Amira silently walked over to him and tugged on his until she could hop up into his arms, wrapping her arms and legs around him. "I just need you right now" She said quietly
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Sage was surprised when she just attached herself to him, but smiled softly at her comment, wandering over to settle them both on the couch, holding her tightly. "I'm not going anywhere," he promised, just curling up against her.
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Amira just stayed there, breathing in his scent and trying to feel useful
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Sage just held her, hoping he was a bit of a comfort.
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"I'm sorry" she said softly
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