
Dakota didn't know what was going on, but she was stuck in a dark prison
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Elijah continued to shake her, trying to wake her. "Please wake up love" he begs

Dakota heard and felt Elijah, but couldn't move
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Elijah called the doctor again.

The doctor arrives and examines Dakota. "Does she drink?" He asked skeptically. "Has she done anything dangerous recently? Quads, riding, anything like that?"
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"I don't believe so, no" he tells the doctor. "If she did, she never told me" he says. He held his breath, afraid. He held Ethan close to his chest, not wanting him to see his mother in such a frightening state

The doctor nodded, thinking. "Well.......the worst it could be is she blacked out from stress." He said, placing a hand on Elijah's shoulder. "Call me if she doesn't wake up by tomorrow morning." And he left
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Elijah nods, sighing. He sits next to her, stroking her hair. He felt guilty, felt like he was partially responsible if it was stress

Dakota could feel Elijah's hand and it brought silent comfort, even if she couldn't talk
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Elijah began humming, a soft sad tone, stroking her head as he rocked Ethan.