
Dakota gasped for air, scared
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Elijah holds her close. "It's okay, it's okay" he syas stroking her back

Dakota still was unable to get the nightmare from her mind as Ethan began crying.
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Elijah kissed her head, "I'll be right back" he says picking Ethan up from his crib. He gently rocked him as he walked back over

Dakota nodded, still shaking as Elijah came back. She curled up, her head pounding and her thoughts jumbled
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Elijah sighs, "Ethan, let's go cheer up mama, shall we?" he says bringing Ethan over to her

Dakota saw Ethan an cracked a small smile
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Elijah hands him over to her. "It's okay, we're both here, we're here for you" he says kneeling next to her.

Dakota's shaking gradually stopped and her tears as well. She held her son with such adoration and care, being careful to not breathe on him too much. Her smile dropped as she felt the edges of her vision darkening. She shoved Ethan at Elijah before collapsing, unconcious
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Elijah quickly takes Ethan, rushing to check her temperature again. He shook her gently. "Dakota?" he asks worried.