
Dakota started whimpering in her sleep, the nightmare turning into Elijah being taken and abused, Dakota screaming as she was held back and unable to help him
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Elijah shook her, trying to wake her from her nightmare. "Kota? Love? Wake up please" he begs

Dakota wasn't able to wake ups, shaking and whimpering. "Eli....." She muttered, scared
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Eliijah holds her head to his chest, stroking her hair. "I'm here Kota, please wake up" he says begging her

Dakota woke with a gasp, fear still trapping her like chains as she began crying
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Elijah continues to shake her, "Please, wake up!"

Dakota, shaking, woke up and cried
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Elijah holds her close. "Shh, it's okay, Love" he says, wiping her tear away. "It was just a nightmare" he says, trying to reassure her

Dakota continued crying, unable to get the picture of Elijah being beat out of her mind
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Elijah strokes her head as he stays quiet.