
Sage took Liz happily, entertaining the baby while Amira did whatever she needed to do to get ready
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Amira went and took a shower before getting dressed and headin back downstairs. "Hey, babe? I was thinking..... I know you work from home technically, and I could find a job while Liz is here with you?"
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Sage sort of cocked his head at her comment, nodding along. "That would be fine," he mused. "I can set up a playpen in the art studio and keep an eye on her," he agreed lightly. "Take your time though. Fidn soemmthign you'll enjoy," he added softly
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"But I don't know what I enjoy besides you" She muttered, teasing at the end.
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Sage chuckled softly and pecked her cheek. "Take some time to find hobbies. Stuff like that," he suggested. "Then look for a job where you could do that sort of thing."
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Amira nodded, thinking. Liz slowly fell asleep there after a bit. "I'm gonna put her down for a nap." Amira muttered, taking Liz upstairs to her crib and sitting on the bed once the baby was asleep. Amira sighed, head in her hands as the exhaustion of the night hit her like a train
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Sage nodded at her comment, settling down on the couch tiredly as she moved upstairs with the baby
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Amira sat on the edge of the bed for a while, head still in her hands and she was about to fall asleep
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Sage sort of just lay there, admittedly still tired himself. Neither of them had slept much, but that was expected with a new baby he supposed
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Liz began to cry and Amira shot up, grabbing the baby and gently trying to rock her to sleep. She sighed when Liz stopped crying but didn't fall asleep. Amira laid down on the bed and held Liz in her arms at the same time
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