
Nate nodded and drove through the drive through, ordering and picking up their food. He then drove down to the beach and parked.

gtg ttyl) Dakota got out and walked over to him, taking his hand
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Nate smiled, taking her hand. He hopped up into the bed of his truck, and pulled out a bunch of thick blankets out of the case, laying them out across the bed of his truck.

Dakota looked at him and hopped onto the bed of the truck, smiling
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Nate smiled, helping her into the truck and sat down next to her, covering their laps with a blanket. He pulled out their food, giving her hers.

Dakota leaned against Nate's side slightly, smiling and taking her food and eating. "Do you know how much I love you?" She asked quietly
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Nate smiled and kissed her cheek. "No, I think you need to tell me," he teased.

Dakota nodded slowly, thinking of how to put it into words. "I love you more than any item, person, thing, place. I would give my life for you, I would give anything for you. I love you to the point of it's probably not healthy." She said, joking a bit at the end. "Plus a lot more" she added
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Nate smiled and leaned down, kissing her. "And I'll still always love you more,"

Dakota kissed him back happily, smiling into the kiss
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