(What happen to jason) Ava sighed and looks up at the sky waiting for help but knew that no one would find her
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(Ava and him went two different ways and he continues his life with his horses. ) a school of dolphins came swimming by Ava and she knew sharks were approaching.
Maybe they could help me but I don't have any ropes or anything
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Next thing you know sharks bull sharks to be exact start swimming around Ava. Trying to keep calm and still Ava tried to calm herself down.
Ava was not keeping calm that will and she was watching the water then the skys
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The sharks swam past her and Ava was relieved. Next thing you know their were waves and the brought her to shore.
She got off of the wood and walks away from the water towards some trees
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She walked right into quicksand and the sand was very deep.
Oh no why does this happen to me ava cries a little then yells for help
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She went in above her head and she held her breath.