azai smiled "well let's not keep him waiting just watch for the dog." Azai said as a border collie came shooting from the house.
Quinn got out of the car as it stopped, crossing her arms as a dog came out and watching it carefully for any sign of aggression. After that she followed Azai inside, her eyes making it clear she was not happy.
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Azai looked around "he's not here right now have a seat" he said leaning against the wall
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"I'll stand and wait." Quinn answered, indicating she was not sitting down unless neccesary. She went to the other wall, about as far away as she could get, to observe the room with narrowed emerald eyes.
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Harry walked in "oh you brought a friend." he said smiling pushing back his long aburn hair. "yes and no" azai said smirking "this is quinn"
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Quinn tightened her jaw muscles as the man walked in. This was going to be greaaaat. Even though Azai and her were technically on the same side now she was still not very happy about being chained up in a BASEMENT.
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"let's get started three cuts a black eye and a broken arm right?" harry looked at azai who nodded Harry got his make-up and got to work. He was done in 15 minuets
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Quinn sat and waited through the procedure, looking stony, poker-faced, with a slight tint of irritation in her eyes. After the man was done she glanced at her arm, which was the only thing she could see, and it really did look broken. Let's hope her face looked just as miserable.
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Azai chuckled. "let's go. I'll drop you off outside of town let me know when you are ready for me."
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Quinn rolled her eyes at his chuckle, standing and striding over to the door. She was outside quickly. "I will." Was her only response- she wasn't warming up to Azai the quickest.
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