Edited at March 30, 2023 04:24 PM by TheTaleOfTwo
It's fine) - They reached the medical bay and Malcolm's parents were waiting outside of it. The king gestured for Camron to come over to them just as he is taken into the medbay. Once in there the medics prepare Malcolm for an x-ray while others get a bed ready for him. "What exactly happened," his father asks Camron in a neutral tone, "Malcolm is an experienced rider, so it's unusual that he had an accident while riding."
[Camron walked over to the king. He tried to think quickly for a moment. "He was racking up quite quickly.. he may not have gotten something with the saddle in place, like a strap to hold it in place, I can't say for sure," Camron took a breath, "I can say by the looks of it, it was something with the saddle." He knew it was rude, but he had a hard time keeping eye contact.] (this is sad because I actually know about about horses and the tack terms)
Ouch it must hurt >~< ) - They send Mal through the x-ray and move him to the bed as they process the photos. "Well Prince Malcolm," the doctor says and comes over to him with the photos, "looks like you broke your left arm. Luckily you just broke that and not the arm and your wrist. We will just have to give you a cast and sling and ask that you take it easy for a good while. That means no riding or fencing." Mal nods with a sigh, disappointed that he couldn't do his two favorite activities.
[Camron stood at the door. He listened but didn't speak or go in. He glanced at Malcolm a few times, he felt a bit bad. Camron muttered under his breath. He glanced back at the king for a moment before turning away from the room and began keeping his head down.]
The medics began to make a cast for Malcolm and the doctor allowed his parents to come in. The king spoke to the doctor while his mother came to talk to him. "Camron told us what happened," the queen says to him. Mal nods and sighs, "I was just worried I would be late to my lesson and rushed to get the tack on my horse. I must have not tighted the main strap on enough or it didn't click like it needed to." His mother petted him some, "It's ok sweetheart mistakes happen. It's just how life works."
[Camron crossed his arms uncomfortably. He kept his head down. Camron began to wish Malcolm had listened about slowing down. He grabbed his phone leaning against the wall with his head down. His mind kept racing to scenarios that won't happen.]
After a few hours Malcolm was allowed to leave the medbay. His parents had left a while ago to tend to other manners and he hoped that Camron had waited for him. The sling and cast felt awkward on his left arm but atleast the doctor had given him medicine to take to make the pain stop.
[Camron stood silently. As he noticed Malcolm leaving he looked up, "So, your being let out?" He looked Malcolm up and down a moment, "do you want me to walk you to your room?" Camron tapped his fingers against his arm. He still felt bad about everything that happened, he knew he was meant to protect Malcolm but he just wanted to tell himself he warned Malcolm about how fast he was going. Camron began to minorly fight with himself.]
He looked and smiled some seeing that Camron was still there. "Yeah the doctor gave me some medicine to help with the pain," he explains, "and I have been given strict orders to take it easy until my arm has healed. Also yes could you take me to my room? I don't feel like doing anything else today except beating myself up about not putting the tack on correctly." He chuckled some since he was joking about the last part.