See I have two boas. One female one male, a breeding pair I am fully ready and already started building their racks for their adult size The racks they are in now are properly enriched- fake plants, hides water bowl, temp checkers and the system is on a thermostat. I also have two ball pythons. One living in their current rack and one that will move in once the boas adult racks are done. People who do NO research or give the bare minimum irritate me.
Ive never gotten a pet unless everything was set up and I was sure I had everything.. (mostly fish. their tank is always cycled before I go to the fish store. sometimes I have to ask the peeps there what food would be best for em, but usually I already got the food too )
I get a lot of people in my ball python Facebook groups asking for help because they bought 2-3 ball python and dont have the space or equipment to care for them. Maybe instead dont buy them?
I have the opposite of that problem. There are a lot of animals I have experience with and would love to own again but can't because I'm not able to suit their needs. Birds being one.
My brother has fish tanks. He thought they'd be 'easy'. What a joke on him. One is over-run with snails now and he's had to get Assassin snails to get rid of the others. He also tends to have too many fish. He over feeds them as well, then bitches that the water stinks and he has to change it all the time. He's a doof.
Midnight played dead when the truck came close to her now the driver of the truck stopped walked up to her and back to his truck and then when he went back to were she had laid she was goone and all the horses in the truck went free.
They all thought they were free. Gunshots came rapidly out of nowhere and the horses hit with it were put into a deep sleep. Only a couple of days will wake them up again.