Then with a spueal with the stallion at the barn Jenny is off at the oppisite side of the barn!
*talks to her" Get on my horse and get out there and hit that 2.20 meter jump for that crowd please"
*Arwen looks at him with her deep blue eyes golden hair waving in the wind and says "I will!"
*He would lock the barn door* " They would both ride back out"
*Arwen takes a deep breathe as she sees the aduince.*
*She gets into the arena then makes a corse in her head and jumps it and nails it!* Edited at January 29, 2022 08:36 PM by Team McLain
*charles would be seen talking to a girl that goes to there school
*Arwen trots up to Charles saying* Thank you!*
"Oh no problem !!! Just go feed him please"
*The audince ooos and awws one manges to say* "is that your girlfrend?"