
Sage put the keys away and such before moving upstairs and sitting down next to Amira. "Finally here," he hummed. "I still can barely believe it," he added
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"I know. She's perfect." Amira said for the hundreth time that day. "I can't believe i'm a mom..." She added after a moment
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Sage smiled and nodded, flopping back onto the bed with a chuckle.
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Amira moved to lay beside him, tearing her eyes away from their daughter. She teasingly looked him up and down, her fingers dancing on his chest and abs. "I love you" She said softly
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Sage sort of chuckled softly and moved to press a light kiss to her lips. "I love you too," he noted softly. "Though I doubt you want to do much if you just gave birth," he added, since she'd know full well the affect she had on him when she started flirting
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"I know...." She groaned, upset with how it would be for a couple days. She kissed his cheek. "But in a few days....?" She asked quietly, gazing deeply into his eyes
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Sage chuckled softly and pecked her lips lightly. "Once you're healed you don't even need to ask," he noted lightly
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Amira pretended to think it over. "Hmm.....I guess I can wait." She teased softly, smiling at him. She curled up against him, her arms around him
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Sage just laughed softly and moved to flop down next to her, wrapping his arms around her tiredly. It was late by then
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"Ready for bed?" She offered, getting up and changing into sweatpants and one of his shirts. She went and laid next to him, turning every now and then to look at Liz and make sure she was okay.
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