
Amira found quite a bit more relief than she thought she would at the thought that Luke would never touch her. He would never bother them again, any of them. She sighed at the thought, resting against Sage as she watched their daughter drift into sleep
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Sage smiled and wrapped an arm around Amira when she leaned in, pressing a kiss to her head, just so glad he could finally be here and hold them both.
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Amira looked at Sage with adoration in her eyes before turning back to their daughter
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Sage just grinned back down at her. "The doctors want to monitor you for a few hours, but we can go home tonight," he informed her happily
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Amira nodded, glad they'd be out of here soon
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Amira nodded, glad they'd be out of here soon
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Sage just nestled down next to her for now, content to wait.
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Timeskipping) Amira walked beside Sage, the baby carrier in her hand as she walked to the car with him
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(good idea lol) Sage was excited to finally be going home with their new family member. He settled the baby and Amira in the car before getting in and working at driving home.
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Upon arriving home, Amira took Liz to her crib. She set her down gently as the sun had recently fallen and the baby was already asleep. She sighed with a smile, sitting on the bed and looking at her daughter
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