Her eyes traveled up to the sky again, her eyes taking in every little star. "Its so beautiful, isn't it?" She asked him, looking back at Cade. Rascal shifted then snored again. Saphire giggled, but wpquickly covered it in a cough as best she could, a smile still covering her face
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"It really is." Cade looked at Saphire, making eye contact with her. He lightly blushed, glad when Rascal drove Saphire's eyes away.
"Can I hold him?" She asked. She felt she needed to change any subject she brought up. It was odd knowing that someone knew so much about her. She held her arms out
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Cade nodded, sliently handing her the sleeping Rascal.
She cradled Rascal in her arms. He yawned then curled back up again. Saphire smiled a little then looked at the ground. She turned her gaze to her beat up wing and for some reason, her blood went cold and chills ran up her body. "Do you still have your sweater by any chance..?" She asked
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Cade couldn't help but grin, a gaurded grin, but still a grin. "I do!" He reached behind him, he had kept it tucked between him and the tree trunk. "Here you go." He smiled at her as he handed her the sweater.
"Still a problem" she returned a smile as she lifted her wings "may be a little bit difficult " she chuckled then looked away. She was way to comfortable around him now. What happened to her wall?
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"I could rip it?" He offered, joking with her. She seemed a lot more comfortable than when Cade first met her.
"Is that's what you prefer" she rolled her eyes. She couldn't believe it. She was borderline flirting with someone. She felt giddy on the inside. A breeze ran a chill down her arms again.
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Cade ripped two hole in the sweater. "Okay, here, tuck your wings in and I'll put it over you and then you can stretch your wings through the holes." He thought about it. "Or you can do it yourself, sorry, I treated you like a toddler there."