*Music would come over Called Come back as a country boy*
*He would walk out and nail a 2.10 meter jump perfectly with perfect form
*Arwen looks hesintantly up to see what is going on.*
* Then he would nail a 2.20 and his selle francis would turn its body and clicks its rear heals and he would gallop around*
*Arwen moans and whispers softlay to herself then goes where she can't watch him.*
*Multiple people would Comr Around the Arena to watch what was going to happen next With everyone Cheering FOr him*
*Grabs a microphone* So theres this rider here named arwen Im hopeing she will come out and show Up and hit this 2.20 meter jump if not then Ill do it for you guys*
Then Arwen hears punding on the stall a creak and running hoves an Jenny is out! "Oh no she is going to be carzy! Charles Chrles! Help Jenny is out!"
*talks into the mic Hold ON everyone *
*Gallops overe there and brings jenny back*