Andi chuckled hearing Tyler start with is accents "I ain't your lass" She mimicked his scottish accent horribly before trying to squirm out from underneath him. "And why exactly would you be pinning me to the floor right now?" She asked with a grin having a good idea why he would.
Tyler snorted at her poor attemp at the scottish accent. -Andi, you are ruining the dignified deep voice amazing scottish accent- Tyler thought. "Yer off ye heid." Was what he said. "Oops, wrong langage." Tyler snickered, letting Andi figure out what that meant. "well you are very annoying, for one. I'm proving to you I am way stronger than you, for two." Tyler stopped with a chuckle, shaking his head at Andi's hopeless squirming. "And it helps me have a couple minutes to regain the thinking side of me brain." He finished
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Andi blinked rapidly in confusion at what he said "Man I really screwed up your brain..." She muttered while trying to figure out if what he said actually meant anything. Andi let out a dramatic gasp listening to his next comment "Me annoying!?! I would never be annoying!" She said even more dramatically than her gasp. "I don't see how this proves your stronger than me and I didn't know you even had a thinking side to your brain" She teased with a smirk before trying to squirm out of his hold again
Tyler barked out a laugh at that. "What, you don't understand scottish? Well then..." He grinned. "Tha thu cho boidheach." Tyler finished with a chuckle. "No wonder you are so bad at the accent, you don't even know the language." Tyler teased, his black eyes sparkling. In this light they actually shone a dark blue... probably the first time they had done that. "Well miss smartypants tell me how this doesn't prove I'm stronger." Tyler said breezily, ignorin her other comments
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Andi rolled her eyes at his first comment "Do you think I understand it?" She asked with a cold look which was soon replaced with a confused one "I swear if your insulting me..." She huffed while narrowing her eyes at him. "I'm bad at all accents though" She said before looking into his eyes, she hadn't realized they were such a dark blue before. It was kind of nice to look at them but she quickly pulled her gaze away from his eyes after a blink "Well it's because... um... I don't have to explain myseld to you" She said turning her face away from him as if in protest
"Oh no I'm not insulting you. I was complimenting you, actually. Anyway, if you're so smart how do you not know scottish? It's the best language!" Tyler protested, a wry smile on his face. Tyler watched Andi for a moment, trying not to laugh as she broke her stare. "Ohh and now you're stuttering and losing words. What did I do? Call you princess? Say you have a high pitched squeaky mouse voice? Say you have big eyes? Say you have beautiful hair? Kiss you?" Tyler asked, firing off one thing after another
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Andi shook her head "I don't believe you would compliment me and I just didn't have the time to learn scottish for your information" She said keeping her head turned so she wouldn't have to face him. Her face automatically turned red as he started to fire off all these different thigns he knew would get a reaction out of her "I was not stuttering or losing words! I just said I don't have to explain myself to you!" She exclaimed finally turning her head to face him again
"Oh really? You want me to tell you what the exact words meant?" Tyler asked with an eyebrow raise. "Exactly what I said, is you are beautiful. Haha." Tyler snorted... Andi wouldn't believe him, but it might make her more red. In any case, he wasn't lying. That is what he said, in Scottish Gaelic. The old language. As Andi's face started turning red Tyler couldn't resist a grin, and a chuckle at her words. "Oh so you're not going to help the poor simple minded powerhouse that is so much stronger than you understand why he is not stronger than you? How cruel." Tyler frowned, though his eyes still glittered mischeviously
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Andi nodded her head "Yes go ahead" She said, once he finished his sentence she stayed silent but her face grew a brighter red. "No way that's what you said... Beautiful is the last thing you would ever call me" She slowly said already feeling her brain starting to slow down. Andi really was in disbelief she was 99% sure he would never say something like that and that other 1% of her that said otherwise, she ignored it. "Nope not one bit. You just have to accept the fact that I'm stronger" She confidently said, the real reason she didn't explain was because she didn't have an actual reason she was stronger than him. And he probably already knew that but she was willing to drag it on as far as possible
Tyler snickered slightly, looking at Andi. "Believe me or not, it doesn't change what I said." He answered simply, his eyes bright. "So if you're stronger, why haven't you gotten out already? Why am I not the one pinned and blushing like a lobster with a sunburn?" Tyler asked with a crooked grin, tilting his head. -She really really doesn't care that she is wrong. I know she KNOWS... but she won't answer to it- Tyler thought with a snort. -Poor Andi must also know that i would never possibly hurt her, which means I can't do anything to show I'm stronger other than pin her. Grr- He finished his thought, his eyebrows raising slightly
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