Max smiled at him leaning backwards into him "This is perfect Sage honestly..." She cooed softly planting a kiss on his cheek "How about we head out to the beach for a bit first?" She suggested happily "Bring a towel too... don't wanna get sand everywhere..." She said in a teasing manor before she went and grabbed her backpack to put her swimsuit on.
Sage chuckled and smiled at the girl, nodding and releasing her happily as he went to get changed into his own swimsuit and grabbed towels for the two of them. He decided to throw a thin t shirt on with his swim trunks, but left the front open since there wasn't really any reason to close it.
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Maxine came out shortly after one of Sages plaid shirts over the deep blue bikini she was wearing, the top was your typical bikini top though it was plaid much like Sage's shirt and she wore a pair of black swim shorts to accompany it at least until they got down to the beach that is. "Ready to go?" She cooed happily running a hand through her loose hair.
Sage looked over at the girl and nodded, an excited grin forming on his face at the prospect of screwing around just the two of them. "Absolutely," he hummed. He reached over to grab her hand and practically skipped out the cabin, leaving the back door open..the screen would shut so it would be fine.
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Max giggled and kissed his cheek before she headed down to the beach with him. When they were down at the beach she laid out her towel right beside his "This was a great idea..." She admitted happily "I love this so much Sage." She said scooting over and looking him in the eyes.
Sage grinned and lay down next to Max happily. "Good, I'm glad you like it so much," he giggled. "It's the perfect time to go screw around," he mused. He was glad she loves it so much, he was really excited about it.
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Max giggled lightly and walked her fingers up his chest "Speaking of screwing around..." She teased in a sultry tone before she kissed his neck "Do you think these towels are big enough for us?" She teased.
Sage could feel his face flush slightly when she walked her fingers up his chest and giggled when she pecked his neck. "Maybe we should go inside," he purred. "Unless you would rather stay out here," he chuckled. Really, he'd be fine with either place...he just wanted to have some fun.
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Maxine giggled "Here is perfect." She assured "We're by ourselves right?" She asked propping herself up and slowly removing the plaid shirt she was wearing over her bikini "As long as we stick to the towels we'll be fine." She smiled "Not to mention we could get in the water right after." She purred playfully.
Sage chuckled and nodded. "It's a private beach," he assured the girl, looking up at her as she removed the shirt. He shifted slightly, swallowing as he waited for the girl...though waiting seemed to be difficult in the moment. "That sounds lovely," he purred.
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