Sage chuckled softly in response to her comment, moving to peck her cheek and then move to set the now empty cup off to the side. "Well you weren't exactly looking for sex," he teased lightly, not minding it at all but still amused she'd practically begged him to strip for her and neither of them really moved it doing much other than cuddling and joking around. "Might have to cash that in later," he added with a wink before moving to rummage around for clothes. The sooner he started the quicker he'd be back, he supposed.
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Mari watched him rummage about for a bit before rolling her eyes at his comments, a small scoff escaping her. "I'm not always after sex Sage," she mused, watching him for a moment before getting out of bed herself and getting ready for the day. At his last comment, though, she sort of just laughed. "Yeah have fun with that," she mused before grabbing the mugs and wandering downstairs, where the children were already up. She made breakfast and whatnots before Sage left, really just happy enjoying that little bit of time as a whole family in the morning. Anya was sat in the gardens, looking... well, she looked tired, and she was tired too. But she was ok. For the most part, anyway. She'd gotten lots of work done, which was a big weight off her shoulders. She still hasn't gone to see her parents much... but they really weren't well, and it hurt to see them in that state. So... feeble. They looked so sick. Her mother was much, much worse than her dad. She wasn't overly concerned about him though. They weren't close. They really didn't have long left, and she already grieving their loss... it was certainly an odd feeling.
Sage chuckled softly in response to Maris comments, throwing her an amused glance over her shoulder. "Oh, come on, you can't tell me you were looking my nude body over and didn't think at least a little bit about it," he whined, really just teasing. Neither of them would have minded it, but they'd opted just for snuggling and getting a good night's rest instead. And that was perfectly fine. Soon enough though, they were out and about the property, and he'd moved to get the horses settled and then ride down to the castle. He got chaos settled in a poladdock, and on his way up to the castle itself he noticed Anya, so he wandered over in that direction. "Well you look like you're enjoying yourself," he humemd quietly, not wanting to disturb her peace. "Mind if I sit?" If not, and she just wanted quiet, he could go bother att. But she looked alright.
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Anya jumped a little at the sound of the man's voice, her heart palpitating for a moment before letting out a soft breath of relief to find it was just Sage. She hadn't seen him in a while... but it was a nice surprise all the same. She smiled at him sheepishly before shrugging, gently patting the grass beat her. "Yeah, sit," she mused before flopping back against the grass. It was quiet for a while, so she drew in a breath to break the silence. "What are you doing here," she asked softly after a moment or two. "It's been a while," she chuckled gently.
Sage chuckled softly when Anya jumped, moving to walk towards her and plop down next to her with an amused apology. He nodded when she spoke up again and grunted. "Exactly," he noted. "It's been a while. Figured I'd come say hi, check in," he mused. Then he shrugged. "Plus att and I have been working with Luther so I did promise him I'd be around," he added lightly, making a mental note to find the boy later.
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Anya huffed out a breath to him, though was definitely glad to see the man. "Bed Att is happy with that. He does like you, that boy,@ she mused. "It's nice to see you, though," she mused lightly. She wondered breifly what he wanted by being here. Maybe he just wanted to check in. She hadn't been... well when he'd last been over. She'd been so close to doing something that would really hurt the people around her, and he'd helped her. Well, the best he could, anyway. "Well it's nice to see you then," she chirped gently to him.
Sage chuckled and nodded. "We've both been enjoying ourselves," he mused lightly. He did like the boy..and he knew att was fond of him too. He did still feel bad about leaving him here....but what else was he supposed to do? He tried to put it out of his mind, but he did still feel the twinge in the back of his mind. Overall though, he was just glad to be with him. Teach him. Guide him, in a way. At anyas next comment though, he threw her a grin. "Well, I gotta come big you at some point," he mused lightly. "Can't exactly just leave you to live your life out in peace," he added, really just teasing her, bumping her shoulder lightly with his own
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Anya smiled lightly to him, sort of leaning her arm against his shoulder. "He talks about you a lot," she murmured softly to him. She wondered if he ever really got worried about it them. He had his family now... did he still see Att the same way? She didn't know. She looked after Att like he was her own, but... she never wanted a child like this. He really was Sages child. She didn't know. She rolled her eyes at his next comment, and gave a small chuckle. "Why can't I live my life whenever you're here," she asked with an amused chuckle.
Sage felt his grin widen when she mentioned Att talked about him. "He does," he asked lightly, glad to know he really did mean something to the boy. "I'm just glad he decided to like me after I left him here," he noted with a shake of his head. Though, at Anya's next comment, he couldn't help bit snicker and grin over at her. "You signed up for this you know," he mused lightly. "deciding to be my friend is a package deal with all the terrible decisions that come along for the ride," he noted.
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The woman rolled her yes, though shook her head and gently bumped his side. "Even when you were gone, I made you out to be some sort of hero," she mused... it wasn't wrong though. He'd saved her more times than she could count, but he wasn't quite a hero. But, ge was a good person for the most part. "There was no chance that he wouldn't like you," she mused. She then chuckled in response. "I did not sign up for anything. All I wanted was a tour guide more than fourteen years go," she scoffed, then looked him up and down with a bit of a pout. "And that tour guide us still tormenting me," she mused lightly, sort of bumping his shoulder. "Your terrible decision making skills is just another drawback," she mused as she stood up, offering him her hand. "Atts in the barn if you want him," she mused happily as she wandered off towards her room.