When Tyler heard Andi speak, he casted a glance at her. "Why? Don't be." He said quietly with a slight eyebrow raise, continuing to stare a hole through the ceiling. If Tyler had all his powers... yes, the ones the angels stripped him of... then he actually could stare a hole through the ceiling. Taser Laser, as the weird angels called it. That WAS a cool power before it got BANISHED.
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Andi turned her gaze back to Tyler "Because I woke you up... and I know how light you sleep so I was trying not too" She said still quietly before letting a small yawn escape from her mouth. Once again she leaned her head back against the couch half closing her eyes she wishe there was a way to just flip a switch that could make her fall asleep again but sadly there wasn't
Tyler now raised both eyebrows, cracking a small smile. "Oh don't worry, I'm sure a bird would've tweeted outside and I would have startled awake like a freight train just smashed through the cabin." Tyler sighed, though he sounded amused. "Don't worry about waking me up, it's too hard to avoid." He snorted, finally sitting up so he wasn't half falling backwards out of the chair. Tyler stretched his good arm out, clenching his fingers on his bad arm. That sent a slash of pain through his body, causing Tyler to wince.
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Andi nodded her head "That's true... Kind of like how you smashed into the wall after I fell" She mused with a small smile then rubbed her eyes as she put her head straight up again. "Oh you know I still will apologize everytime I do" She half joked when in reality she knew that she was, usually she wouldn't care but since it was Tyler it bothered her more than usual. She glanced back over at him seeing him wince "Are you okay?" She asked knowing it was a dumb question but it was just an automatic response
"Oh yes, exactly like that. I've always been... touchy that way." Tyler made a face, his brow furrowing slightly, though his eyes still twinkled with amusement. "Well just be prepared for me telling you not to every time you apologize, then." Tyler retorted with a small smile, still waking up. Thankfully the noise had been no where big enough to send him flying, or even snap his brain awake. "Yeah, I'm still fine. Just like an hour ago, and a day ago, and two days ago, and three days ago..." Tyler trailed off with a grin.
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Andi chuckled queitly at his first comment before listening to his next one "Guess that conversation will just repeat forever" She snorted knowing that it would and that it would always just be the same things being said. His next comment made her roll her eyes slightly "I was just making sure, you know that I worry about you so just get used to that question" That would be another question she would endlessy ask even if he got annoyed at it she wouldn't care. As long as his answer stayed the same she would be fine as well
"Forver, how boring." Tyler sighed dramtically, throwing his hand in the air. (Not hands, hand lol) "When will you ever do something different, miss Andi?" He asked with another dramtic groan, looking at Andi. Tyler was great at accents and playing... but there was one thing he could not do. He could not look pouty, he just couldn't. That was straying too far from his usual self. "Okay fine, but I'm never getting used to the question. Ever." Tyler said haughtily
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Andi shook her head "Oh Tyler you should know that I will never change" She said with another shake of her head. Yes it ws true she would never change but her weird repeatitive ways is just who she was. "Well then guess you'll justt have to suck it up and reply seriosuly when I ask it then" She said with a playful huff, she waited to see his reaction to being told to suck it up
(Wow, insulting. lol) - "Yes, you are right... I do know that." Tyler chuckled, another smile coming onto his face. When Andi spoke again his expression grew shocked. "Suck.. it... up? What do you think I have been doing ever since I got stabbed with a dagger a couple months ago? Then beat up and shot? Then stabbed with another dagger?" Tyler asked with a stunned expression, though his eyes still twinkled merrily. "Oh Andi, every single time pain shoots through my body I stay quiet. Every single time I run out of breath I don't complain or stop what I'm doing. Every single time my arm refuses to move I don't get angry or sad. Is that not sucking it up, miss buttercup?" He asked with an eyebrow raise
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Sorry lol) ~ Andi chuckled with him whcih quickly stopped as she saw his expression. She immediately regretted what she said as he began to speak, she knew Tyler always kept quiet about his pain but she really should have thought before she said something. "Yes it is.." She said queitly, she wasn't sure if he was half teasing around or if he was actually annoyed by that but still it hit her hard. Then there was another thing added to the list of what she hated about herself was not thinking before she spoke. "Sorry.." She said half thinking he'd be confused and tell her he was messing around but the other half yelled at her that he wasn't