( welcome back and I so happy you had a great time ) Senorita looks at it before looking at him and groans as she then reaches for it before saying " if something happens and I don't wake up even through I shouldn't think about this take care of Annie for me please sage " as she looks worried before eating the plant
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Sage sort of just sighed and pressed a kiss to her head. "Don't worry," he said. "You'll wake up. I'll make sure of it," he promised, holding her hand until her eyes closed and then he got to work getting put tools and things.
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Todd watches him before saying " she puts a lot of trust into a guy when she knows what they just want from her " as Todd was kinda right only guys want kids he did but he wanted more then just kids he wanted a wife to love to come back home to and to hold in hard times, Todd was just there just in case this sage guy need his help back senorita once everything when dark nightmares played through her mind she couldn't wake up and it was scarring her about being with a friend and him dieing because of her
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Sage glanced over at todd before sighing and shaking his head. "I don't know what she sees in me sometimes," he admitted before shaking his head and getting to work. "Can you move the light where I need it," he asked as he made the cut to get into her. "I want this to be quick. She's lost enough blood already."
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Good grabs the light and moves it closer before someone walks in holding a gun and said " that won't be necessary not if you want me to kill all of you so step back away from her and down move " as Todd lookat him before making a move then a gun shot rang out senorita flinch but didn't wake up she was having a nightmare of her own and she didn't know what was going on in the real world
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Sage glanced over at the guy who walked in and scowled. He didn't know who it was or why they were here but she was getting helped. He chuckled a knife at the guy and killed him before going back to working on senorita.
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Todd was shocked before saying " are you sure you don't work for a gang or anything " as she stood and looked right at him before looking at senorita before shaking her head and said " does she need a blood bag "
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Sage chuckled in response to his comment and shook his head. "Not in this country and not any more," he mused before grunting as he clamped off a bleeding blood vessel. "It would probably be useful," he admitted.
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Todd nods and walks away gets a blood bag and walks back before saying " Don't tell senorita this is from guys we killed we drain out all of the blood of them before getting rid of them " as he hooked a needle into her blood vain before hook the other end to the blood bag then let's it do it work
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Sage grunted in response, focused on the surgery he was doing. "As long as it works," he commented before finishing the cut and starting to sew her up a bit later. Once that was done he sat back with a sigh, wiping the knife off on his pants. Not that it did much good, since he had her blood all over him. He didn't want to leave her though.
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