@Angel I managed to find a slightly larger version of the one he adores so I know he's has no choice but to forgive me when I have to set up the new gadgets and possibly rearrange things lol
He stood up with a grunt and headed outside. "I don't care when you want to look for a branch for your staff. It's not like I have a life where I need to do certain things at certain times." He squinted at the sun, measuring what time it was.
Sage wandered around with the girl for a while then had a thought. "How much can you carry around easily? If it's too heavy you won't be able to swing it and that'll only complicate things."
"well not much, I had to make two trips for the bags of blankets and smaller things" she looked at him then looked around "I'm sure ill find a good one"
He nodded. "Pine wood would be best then. It's almost as strong as oak but not as heavy." He pointed to a large batch of pine trees near them. "That might be a good place to look."
He followed her around, letting her decide which branch she wanted. She could figure that out on her own, but he wanted to stay near her in case of an attack.
He nodded and took it before picking up a rock that weighed a little less then ten pounds. He used his dagger and some twine he had made out of grasses and tar earlier in the week to attach the stone firmly to the branch. He balanced it out by carving patterns into the branch and then to test it, he hit a dead tree with it. When the tree cracked and shattered, he nodded and handed the staff back to the girl. "I think it works," he half joked.
She watched him put it together and smiled softly "I hope it does, I don't really want to look through the branches again" she giggled softly. "I'm not much of a fighter..." she looked at him