Sage chuckled softly and just settled in happily, sipping at his drink when it came. Once their food got there, he moved to grab a slice after Mari had grabbed hers. At her comment about her birthday he sort of chuckled and nodded. "I'll keep that in mind," he mused lightly. It was good...and as good of a cool as Mari was, he had no doubt she'd make a pretty darn good pizza.
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The woman gave a little grin before continuing to munch on the food. it was good, and she was glad they'd actually gotten some time out for themselves. She loved their children, but she often found she was spending less and less time with her husband, who she did love... a lot. She smiled over at him once she'd finnished, and waited for him to do the same. "We going somewhere else? or are we done for tonight," she asked curiously. Her mother did have the children... so they could afford to go out. She was just as happy to go home, though.
Sage had continued eating happily, though he'd finished up soon enough, and hummed with a shrug in response to her comment. "We can get drinks and go wander around a bit more," he suggested lightly. The kids were alright, so they could stay out a bit later. It would be fun for them...he hadn't done anything with her in a while, and he'd missed it. Missed her.
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Mari grinned and nodded in agreement with happy hun. "Sounds good," she chirped happily. It would be nice just to spend a bit of time outside the house, doing something she rather enjoyed. She used to be out quite a lot when she was working as a maid... even though she was incredibly content with her life, she had to admit she missed it every now and then. It was even better now that she fouls get out and about with Sage.
Sage grinned over in her direction, glad to see her face light up at the suggestion. He did miss bringing her out and spoiling her a bit....he knew working hard to keep their family well off in terms of what they had and all was good. And needed. But ....he still wanted to go roam the streets now and again. Be outside, doing as he pleased. Go a little feral. And to go do that with Mari? Well, that was even better than before. He sort of waved the waitress over after a moment, and soon enough they were wandering out of the restaurant, drinks in hand.
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Mari wandered outside with him, sort of holding her hands out so that she could take a hold of his hand. She didn't want to be out all that too late... but she did want to enjoy herself a little more. She watched him for a second or two before a grin split her face. She really was just happy to be out. She hoped they could do this a little more, now that the kids were getting a little older. She let out a soft breath before looking around. "Where to know then?" She asked happily.
Sage took mari's hand happily when he felt her touch his hand, humming in thought before shrugging. "Is there anywhere specific you want to go," he asked after a moment. He didn't care what they did....he was just glad to go mess about and spend the time with her, in all honesty. He wasn't really a person who liked to go shopping, but he liked to see her happy, so he'd wander with her. It was nice either way.
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Mari let her shoulder sort of lean on him when he held her hand, though cocked her head when he asked if there was anywhere she actually wanted to go. Well, no, not really... but she did want to go out. She sipped her drink, then shook her head before glancing up at him. "Not really," she mused, "what have you got in mind?" She asked lightly. (Incredibly short)
Sage hummed lightly in thought for a moments before shrugging. "Well, what do you want to buy," he noted. "I wanna spoil you a little bit....jewelry? A dress? Chocolate?" He sort of shrugged. "Actually chocolate sounds good to me too," he mused, tugging her towards the little candy shop nearby. They could get some sweets for the house. They'd bring some home for the kids, maybe some for Edith and the family....but some would be for them. Edited at November 20, 2024 04:54 PM by NightClan
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Mari watched him curiously at he spoke, then rolled her eyes when he started things off. "Sage, you know I-" she sort of jumped when he tugged her, but chuckled and wandered along next to him happily. When they got to the stand, she glanced along it, inspecting the stand with furrowed brows. She really wasn't sure what she wanted... but it looked good. She supposed she'd just have what he had, and they could get some for the rest of the family. She looked over at him again before raising her brow. "You pick something up for the both of us then," she mused lightly.