
"I was twelve then, Dylan. It's why I was always hesitant before we did it. At least you're gentle and patient." She stated. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was ashamed."

Dylans eyes went wide. He couldn't believe her father would do such a thing to his daughter, let alone get her pregnant. "I'm so sorry," he whispered. "No, don't be sorry. I understand,"

"I should've been honest, Dylan. That's how to make a relationship work." She stated.

Dylan nodded. "I know, but i knew you'd tell me eventually. On your own time,"

"So, anything else I should know?" she asked.

"I was in the foster care system till I was 9. Some of those families... they weren't as bad as yours but... they weren't good,"

"Damn, I'm sorry. I've heard a lotta horror stories bout foster care." She stated.

"It's okay. None of it can compare to what you've went through,"

"You ain't gonna judge me, or shame me?" She asked.

"For what happened to you? No," he replied. "None of that was or is your fault. No good father should ever do anything like that to their child,"