"I do. I also know you won't." Mercy teased, adding in the slightest of wiggles... because she could. She made a fake-sour expression at his words, tilting her head. "Actually, I wouldn't go quite that far. Maybe rein it back just a little, itty bitty bit?" She joked, her chuckle coming out warmly.
("Because she could" Poor Ajax -le sob- XD) +++ Ajax narrowed his eyes, but she was right. He PROBABLY wouldn't. Unless she got SUPER annoying, in which case he would dare to gently dump her off the side. A sly smile came onto his face at her words, his expression screaming *I WILL NEVER REIN ANYTHING IN*. "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... nah. Not worth it." He grinned, looking pleased with himself.
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She looooves to torture him xD)) Mercy scoffed at his utterly toddler like expression that practically told her there was no way in hell that was happening. She set her head in the crook of his neck, nuzzling in slightly and curling her arms around him in a soft hug. "Okay." She said simply, her voice slightly muffled against his neck.
Ajax laughed at her amused scoff, closing his eyes to enjoy the victory. Finally, no smart remarks. That was a first. Instead of saying his thoughts aloud, Ajax tried to preserve the moment of calm, a small smile on his face. He could have had this. When living. But looking at an eternity of the was much better. Then again, if he made the wrong demon mad and got killed... well... that wouldn't be good. He had already made A wrong demon mad, and that ended up on him almost dying.
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Mercy closed her eyes and simply let herself stay cuddled against him, her legs curled up in his lap while she held onto him. "I love you, almost-husband." She said playfully, not moving her head and keeping her tone soft. Her thoughts drifted off vaguely. How nice it was to have someone to let her do this- She needed alot more physical affection than he did, but he still put up with her and her neediness anyway.
Ajax soaked in the moment, already starting to hear the birds outside as soon as Mercy stopped talking. Sometimes... it was hard. But Ajax loved Mercy more than anyone... which honestly wasn't saying much. He loved her more than anything, anyone, or everything. As she spoke he smiled, lifting his hand to gently ring her hair around his finger. "I love you too, almost-wife." He answered with a small chuckle, taking in a deep breath.
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Mercy tilted her head gently against his shoulder so she could watch him toy with her blonde hair. The simple action made her so happy, words couldn't quite describe it. She smiled as he returned her statement, taking in a soft breath and the silence. "Who's gonna marry us?" She asked adruptly.
Ajax could tell Mercy was enjoying the cuddle time... he knew she loved it. Even if he didn't enjoy it 100 percent. At her question he blinked a little, looking the tiniest bit surprised. "Uhhh... um... er... I don't know. Who could? Wait no- i know! Goose could! I am NOT kidding, he has married people before." Ajax grinned, the comfy silence broken.
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Mercy pulled her head very slightly away from his shoulder to look up at him as he spoke. She blinked in surprise, tilting her head at him for the answer and thinking it over. After a few moments, she nodded. "I'm not gonna question how he is qualified for that, I'm just gonna go ahead and say yes." She grinned, looking up at him in an almost child-like excited way. "Can we get another puppy?"
Ajax lifted his head as she nodded, looking surprised at her answer. "You agree? That's weird." He snorted, laughing a little despite it. "He is qualified enough. And WHAT" He lifted his eyebrows. "ANOTHER one? Isn't Rex good enough? Doesn't Binx count for 5 devil dogs?" He asked with an amused look, tilting his head.
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