Tyler raised his head and attempted to look normal as Andi spoke. That obviosly failed, because he never looked normal, but he kept the look of pain off of his face. "yep, I'm fine." he offered a smile, though his eyes definetely didn't glitter as brightly. Tyler was sure even if he was dying his eyes would still be sparkling, whether he wnated them to or not... and he would probably say something very ,... weird. He could only imagine his last words... *Well, I got the bad guy* Talk about a Tyler line.
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Andi examined his face as he spoke at first she believed him when he spoke but not even a second later she knew he was lying. Even if he tried to hide it it was somewhat obvious to her that he wasn't fine. How did she know he was lying?... She really had no huge explanation but it was just the way he looked at her, super weird but still she could tell. "Did you hurt your shoulder running into the wall?" She asked after a brief moment of silence, she was gonna be persistant until she found out the problem unless Tyler really didn't want her too
Tyler immedietely knew he had totally and completely failed at hiding the pain. The way Andi looked at him... sheesh. He let out a slow breath and looked out the window for a moment. "Possibly... but it ain't bad enough to treat, obviously, because I feel absolutely no pain anymore. The pain was 5 seconds ago." Tyler's southern accent started sliding in again as he got slightly defensive... even though he wasn't really trying to. He trusted Andi completely... he just hated the thought that he really was hurt. That he wasn't in tip top shape, ready to go smashing through walls and doing anything he wanted. That really did bug Tyler more then he was willing to admit.
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Andi smiled the tiniest bit hearing his southern accent slip in again, she foudn it amusing how when he got frustrated of defensive it would just automatically appear. "Well can I take a look at said possibly pained shoulder?" She asked with a small tilt of her head, yes she did want to check on his shoulder to see it if was fine since the wound was still mostly fresh and also to see if it was healing good, but she wasn't about to do it without asking since she didn't want Tyler to be aggrivated with her.
Tyler cast a side glance at Andi, seeing her smile. "This isn't funny..." He sighed, an amused tone settling in already. If only he wasn't such a jokester... if only he wasnt so humorous. -Just like the Brad Stine joke, if only our amaziing scientists could just make the things we run into... softer- Tyler thought with a slight grin. Okay, his joking side had yet again taken over. Which meant he wouldn't be firm, stubborn, or stiff... which meant he was going to say yes. "Fine... but as I already said, it doesn't hurt that bad." Tyler commented, closing his eyes a moment and taking in a slow breath. This was not because he was angry... it was because he was tyring not to laugh at the weird thoughts running through his mind. He pulled the collar of the shirt down just enough the expose the shoulder wound, wincing as he saw it was already oozing blood and the place where the shirt touched it was... soaked. Again.
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Andi shook her head "I wasn't laughing, I was smiling there is a clear difference" She matched his amused tone which only made her smile grow. She saw the slight grin on his face and knew that his whole defensive attitude was going down which confirmed he was going to let her take a look at his wound. Which she was correct about when he started to pull the collar oh his shirt down "I know it doesn't hurt the almighty Tyler I'm just making sure it's okay" She meant to add sometime of playful tone over it but it came out coldly by accident since she was more focused on looking at the wound. She sucked in a breath seeing that it was oozing blood so she got up fast and went into the kitchen, she left her own rag on the counter as she grabbed another clean one and made her way back over to Tyler. She sank down onto her knees next to him and started as gently as possible cleaning up the wound. Even if he claimed it didn't hurt she knew it probably did. After gettign it cleaned she examined it, overall it looked likt it was healing well, just it had gotten reopened again from hitting the wall. So she got up once more and grabbed a huge bandage from the medical box to cover it up
"I never said you were laughing. If I remember correctly... *this isn't funny* were my exact words." Tyler retorted, though his tone was still amused, and he was still joking. When Andi spoke again he quirked an eyebrow, just staying still. -Almighty? Doesn't hurt? This hurts like hell and I am not anywhere near almighty, so Andi better get her head on straight- Tyler though with a slight frown, though he still resisted moving and just stayed still. When Andi walked away to go grab something Tyler looked at the wound, almost visibly deflating. He felt exactly like a human. Tyler was 99 percent sure that the angels had taken away every power he had except his wings... because he could feel pain, he could get hurt, he had lots of emotions, he acted and looked like a human... though Tyler had the sneaking feeling that he just wished he was fully human. Maybe he could just stay on Earth with Andi... and hope the angels hated him enough they made him fully human. Then Tyler felt a sharp shot of pain down his arm and chest, realizing Andi must be cleaning up the wound. -Stop getting lost in thought- Tyler commanded himself, gritting his teeth against the waves of pain.
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Andi smiled slightly at his retort yet she still didn't say anything since she was too focused on getting his wound to stop bleeding. She sucked in yet another breathe hearing Tyler grit his teeth "Sorry sorry" She repeated quietly as she finished cleaing it. She then put some anti bacterial cream on before covering it up. Hopefully this would slow the bleeding so it didn't get his shirt soaked anymore, she fixed his shirt for him so that the shirt was back where it was supposed to be "Do you want any pain meds?" She finally spoke this time it actually had some emotion behind it since she wasn't so focused. Not like she meant for her voice to be so cold when she was focused but having emotion in it was the last thing she was worried about when she was zoned in on what she was doing
"Don't be" Was all Tyler said, his eyes closed. When Andi finished he slowly cracked an eye, glancing at her. "Oh it's over, thank the Lord. No pain meds needed." Tyler resisted a laugh, just grinning. It was his way of dealing with the pain. He let himself sit back against the couch and look slightly sad about his new bloody shirt. "Thanks for treating it for the 6th time." Tyler joked, his eyes twinkling... but behind the twinkle there was still concealed pain Edited at May 23, 2023 01:08 PM by Wild Warmbloods
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Andi could only smile softly and shake her head at his first comment, she sank back with him letting her legs come out fom underneath her and stretch out in front. "Of course, what else am I here for besides that" She joked back, when she saw the twinkle in his eyes it sent a small wave of relief through her. To her it meant that he was back to being himself, not sayign he wasn't himself before but now it just seemed more like him to have his eyes twinkling and joking around about whatever